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A/N: I would like to give major credits to my friend @Pastelgoth747 for helping me out with this chapter!❤❤


Draco was currently eyeing his wardrobe. He had forty-five minutes left and, he still didn't know what to wear.


He thought to himself, sighing. That was when Pansy broke into his room.

"Why are you still here?! Aren't you supposed to be on your date yet?" Pansy shrieked.

"Yea, but I don't know- wait what!? How the bloody hell did you know?! And it is not a date!"

Pansy rolled her eyes and started pushing Draco back to his wardrobe. "I know everything, now come on! You are going to be late, and Malfoys are never late."

Draco knew arguing with Pansy would do him no good. So he sighed and let him be pushed around. Pansy took out two different outfits in both of her hands and kept it in front of Draco alternatively trying to decide which one would look good on him.

"You shouldn't look too dressed up or too casual." She said while going through every single article of clothing Draco owned.

After a good ten minutes of trying on what seemed like a million outfits, he ended up with a white button-down pushed up to his elbows, black jeans, and white trainers. Pansy had transfigured one of his black trousers into jeans. It was his first try and he was in love with it. When Pansy told that she would make it back to normal he flatly refused.

Draco looked at himself in the mirror. He reached out his hand to get his wand and slick back his hair but Pansy slapped it away.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Draco asked, tired of Pansy's enthusiasm.

"You are absolutely not making your hair look like plastic for your first date."

"I'm offended, how dare you call my hair plastic?!?" Draco said.

Pansy sighed. "Your hair looks way better without gel, know that? Here, let me do it." After a few spells, Draco looked at himself in the mirror to find his hair looking totally different. He felt weird without having gel in his hair but he knew he couldn't fight Pansy.

He looked at the mirror one last time before casting a quick tempus to check the time."Five minutes left, better get going." He said, and left. Pansy was smiling, she hadn't seen her best friend in such a good mood for a long time.

Draco walked towards his favorite spot in the forest. Why did Harry want to meet me? He thought. He soon reached the spot and found Harry setting up a picnic mat with food and candles...was that tomato soup?!

Harry turned around when Draco drew closer. He gave him his famous lopsided grin, the smile that always melted his heart.

"Honestly Potter, if you wanted to ask me out on a date you should have just asked." Draco teased.

Harry's face turned a shade of red as he stammered, "N-no...I um, I didn't..." Draco would never get enough of teasing him. Harry took a great breath and said, "I...actually just wanted to thank you for your help...Oh and for this." He said, handing over Draco's black cloak. Draco took the cloak and said, "Actually it's Dobby who you should thank, I only gave it to you."

Harry just shrugged, "I'm thanking Dobby too and I wanted to thank you for everything you have done till now. Hmm, lemme see; so far you taught me dancing, saved me from being murdered, helped me with the second task...oh and of course, prevented me from falling ill." Harry said, grinning looking at the cloak.

"Ok, ok I give up," Draco said with hands raised in surrender. Draco eyed the food. "How did you know what my favorite food was?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Well, let's just say I have my sources," Harry said with a mischievous grin. And so they sat down and ate while having small talks.

After having their food they sat down on the grass, neither of them spoke. But the silence was comfortable. The grass is cool and prickly under them. The stars in the sky glow softly over them as if safeguarding the moment. The breeze whispers through the blades of grass and small wildflowers. Draco's heart pounds, Harry's and his sides are in contact and Draco had never been this happy to have a sharp elbow pressing into him. He risks a glance at Harry, ears reddening. Draco's eyes widen as he sees Harry looking up at the stars, the crinkles at the sides of his eyes prominent, owing to the soft smile on his face. The slightest freckles on his cheeks mimic the stars itself but his eyes...

Draco wanted will his mind to never forget Harry's eyes right then. A picture now forever embedded in his memory, eyes full of wonder and awe, sparkling with happiness. Eyes green as the trees in springtime, but with the night sky reflected back, as if the earth and the sky were finally able to reunite in this gorgeous mortal boy's eyes. Harry senses Draco's gaze on him and turns to look at him. Draco chokes and his cherry-red cheeks are confirmation enough of guilt, whatever the crime might be. Harry's eyes widen impossibly big, unbeknownst to the blond, he couldn't believe that he was here, in this moment and with his face mere inches away from Draco.

"Do you like looking at the stars?" Draco asked. Harry nodded and laid down on the grass, his hands under his head. "In Privet Drive, when things get too hard, I like to lay down like this and look at the sky. It helps me forget all my problems, even if it is for a little time. I know most of the constellations."

"Privet Drive? Is that where you live during your holidays?" Draco asked.

Harry tensed, mentally cursing himself for letting that slip. He simply nodded. "Did you know there is a constellation called Draco?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

"I do, but I have never seen it." He said.

Harry pointed towards the sky and spoke, "Finding Draco is quite easy since the sky is always clear here. You just have to find the north star, Draco is always there, beside it. It is seen all through the year." Harry said, with a small smile. He tilted his head towards the side to look at Draco's face. He was looking up, the starlight catching in his blonde hair.

"Your hair looks better without gel." Harry blurted out. His face turned red after realizing what he had just said.

Draco looked shocked for a second but soon he was laughing. "Ok Potter, I will keep that in mind." He said. He would have to thank Pansy now.

Harry simply sighed. Soon they both decided to go back as it was getting late. Harry was tired but he had a smile on his face. That smile was gone when he got into the Gryffindor common room to find a furious Hermione waiting for him.

"Err...hi?" He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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