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Draco was determined to talk to Harry that day itself. And his luck was great that day because when he looked up, on his way to the great hall, he saw Harry. He waved at him, and he waved back, although he was a bit unsure.

"Hey, Malfoy," Harry said.

"Draco. Call me Draco, Harry." Draco said.

"Ok, Draco," Harry said, smiling.

They started walking towards the great hall together.

"So, are going to the ball?" Harry asked Draco.

"I don't really want to go but my father would be disappointed."

"So, I assume you are going with Parkinson? She is your girlfriend, isn't she?"

Draco chuckled at this. "Yes, and no. I am going with Pansy, but she is not my girlfriend. Heck, she is like a sister to me."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just see you both together most of the time, so I just assumed that you were together. But it was very wrong of me to just assume things. I always do this. I'm an idiot-" Harry blushed.

"I'm rambling, aren't I?"

Draco nodded and chuckled at Harry's flushed face. To change the topic Draco spoke up.

"So you have a date yet? I heard that it's compulsory for all champions to go to the ball and that they must have a partner."

This darkened Harry's face.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. It's ok if you don't want to tell me."

"No, it's fine. I was gonna ask Cho but I heard Diggory ask her and she said yes. So, I'm still thinking of who to ask."

"Oh, that's sad. I do hope you get-" Draco stopped talking when he saw a Ravenclaw boy who seemed to be in his 5th year came up to them. He seemed pretty confident and completely ignored Draco.

"Harry, I'm Finn Alator."

"Hello," Harry said

"Would you like to go to the ball with me?" Finn asked, still ignoring Draco completely.


Harry was taken aback by his straightforwardness. He was thinking very hard. He knew he was bisexual. In fact, he has known for a while. But none of his friends knew that. This might be a great opportunity to come out to them. Besides, he finally had a date for the ball. So Harry made up his mind.

He nodded and said "Yes." Finn didn't seem overjoyed or happy or even relieved for the matter. He just nodded and went off to where Harry assumed was the Ravenclaw common room.

"So that problem is solved, huh?" Draco asked.

Harry was startled, he had forgotten that Draco was there with him. Harry blushed, so now Draco knew he wasn't straight, but if he was disgusted by Harry he didn't show it.

"Aren't you disgusted by me?" Harry asked looking away.

Draco was confused. Disgusted by Harry? For what?

"Why would I be disgusted, Harry?"

"Quit acting Malfoy," Harry said. Harry saw hurt in Draco's eyes for a second but then it was gone.

"You honestly are not disgusted by the fact that I'm bisexual?" Harry asked genuinely surprised.

"Oh that, no, of course no. It's quite a common thing actually. And if it makes you any better, I'm gay." Draco whispered the last part in Harry's ear.

Harry was stunned. "Most Muggles usually hate people who are gay or bi, so I thought it was the same in the wizarding world too, or at least with the pureblood families."

"You are not completely wrong. Most of the wizarding families have no problem with such people but some pure-blood families do. My family for instance. My mom isn't opposed to the idea but my father is."

Harry opened his mouth to ask more questions but Draco answered before he could ask. "And no, I haven't come out to anyone but you."

"Why did you do that?"

"To make you feel better of course, and it's not like you would go around and tell everyone. Wait would you?" Draco asked with a horrified expression.


"Yes, I will. What made you think I wouldn't? I get some valuable information about my rival for 3 years and you expect me to not use it against him? Who does that?" Harry laughed when he saw Draco's face go white. "I'm just messing around Draco. Of course, I wouldn't. And I'm glad that you trust me. I trust you with my secret too."

Draco smiled.

Trust, I'm one step closer.

Draco was just smiling to himself and walking on (Dinner was long forgotten by both of them) when he heard Harry gasp and stop walking.

"What happened Harry?"

"I agreed to go with Finn to the ball but, what am I supposed to do when I don't know how to dance?!"

Oh boy.

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