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Harry had been staying with the Weasleys since the end of the Quidditch World Cup. He enjoyed himself a lot, but what happened at the world cup was bothering more than he expected since his scar was hurting over the summer too.

He pushed all the negative thoughts aside. He was going to start a new year with all his friends, so he has to start with a positive note.

"Kids come on. We are late!" Molly said.



These two months were so far the worst months of Draco's life. He felt empty, and he had an ache in his chest all the time! He almost thought he was dying. It was almost as though he was missing something. In between, Blaise and Pansy visited him a lot. When he told them about his problems, they both always said the same thing.

"You are in love, Draco!"

As if he was! But they told him the same thing over and over soo many times that he actually started believing it. His doubts were confirmed when he saw that boy with jet black hair and a pair of dorky round glasses, standing on platform 9 and 3/4. He felt the ache in his chest disappear, but the feeling of longing increasing.

He noticed it, the butterflies in his stomach, the lack of air, the way his hands became all sweaty, and the sudden increase of his heart rate. All this, just by looking at that face.

That is when Draco realized,

"I'm in love."

"What was that darling, I'm afraid I didn't hear what you said," Narcissa said.

"Huh," Draco snapped out of his daydream to find his mother looking at him with confusion written on her face.

"No...Nothing mum," Draco said, his eyes still on "The Boy Who Stole His Heart."

"I know that your father is not here to see you go, but he will always be there for you within you."

"I know mum, you always say this every year. Just tell me the truth. He never has time for me, does he? The only time he ever came to see me off was in 1st year. I don't even care anymore."

"Oh darling, please don't say that. Your father loves you very much."

"Yeah, whatever. I have to go now, bye mum."


Ron and Harry were telling Neville all of the details of the world cup. "We saw him right up close as well," Said Ron. "We were in the top box-"

"For the first and last time in your life Weasley."

Draco Malfoy had appeared in the doorway along with his cronies. He seemed almost determined to avoid Harry's gaze.

"Don't remember asking you to join us, Malfoy." Harry coolly.

"Weasley! What is that?" Malfoy said, totally ignoring Harry.

Ron tried to stuff his robes out of the way, but Malfoy was too quick.

"Look at this!" said Malfoy, holding up Ron's robes. "Eat dung, Malfoy!" Said Ron.

"So.. are you going to enter, Weasley? There is money involved you know, you would be able to buy some decent robes."

"Either explain what you're on about or leave!" Harry snapped.

Malfoy was about to say something back, but he knew he would stutter, so he thought the better of it and said, "Fine, I guess you deserve to know along with the others." He didn't look in Harry's direction at all. And with that he left them.

"What was he talking about?" Asked Hermione who was into her book this whole time.

"I don't even care, I just want to punch his bloody face!" Ron heatedly said.

"Is it just me or was something wrong with Malfoy's behavior? He kept ignoring me." Harry said.

"Whatever it is, you should be glad Harry. And anyway something was up with him since last year. Remember, he didn't tyrannize for two whole months." Hermione said thoughtfully.

"Yeah you're right. I shouldn't be worried."

"You were worried about him?!?" Ron asked, suddenly cured of his outburst.

"No, no, I didn't mean it in that way. I was worried if he was plotting something against us."

"Oh," Ron said.

And then they continued sharing their summer experiences.

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