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A/N: SORRY! This is sort of a filler chapter because I didn't have time to write. I will try my best to make my next chapters more interesting.



One minute Harry is all excited and was having fun, the next moment it becomes the worst day of his life. Harry had just lost his best friend, all the others' trust, and what he hoped was a safe year, Professor Moody's suspicions from yesterday were not helping. And the worst part was that he did not even know how he ended up like this. He was glad that Hermione trusted him.

"I don't know why anyone would do that," Hermione said.

"Neither do I," Harry said.

"I think you should write to Sirius, I'm sure he would want to hear this from you first and not the daily prophet."

"Yeah, I'll write, alright."

"Oh Harry, quit being so gloomy, It's not gonna help the fact that you are the second Hogwarts champion."

"What do I do Hermione? No one trusts me, not even the person who I thought was my best friend."

"Don't say that. Ron trusts you ok? He just doesn't want to accept the fact that you are selected."

"Why not?!?"

"Harry... isnt it obvious? He is jealous!"

Jealous? Harry said incredulously. Jealous of what? He wants to make a fool of himself in front of the whole school, does he?

Its always you who gets all the attention, you know it is. I know its not your fault, she added quickly, seeing Harry open his mouth furiously.

I know you dont ask for it . . . but — well — you know, Rons got all those brothers to compete against at home, and youre his best friend, and youre famous — hes always shunted to one side whenever people see you, and he puts up with it, and he never mentions it, but I suppose this is just one time too many. . . .

"Great! And being mad at me is gonna make him famous." Harry told sarcastically.

"I'm sure he will come around. Come on we have class now."


Draco had decided. There is no point trying to get Harry's attention and try to charm him, he might as well go back to annoying him. At least in that way he would get some attention. So he was on it.

He even climbed a tree to look cooler.

"Why so tense potter?" He asked Harry as he saw him pass by.

"My father and I have a bet you see. I think you won't last 10 minutes into the tournament. He disagrees, he thinks you won't last 5." Malfoy sneered.

"I don't care what your father thinks of me, Malfoy. He is vile and cruel, and you? You're just pathetic."

Although that stung Draco a bit, his face showed nothing.

Draco was about to fire a hex at Harry when he turned around but instead he himself became a ferret.

Professor Moody had transfigured him into a ferret. He kept bouncing him around till Professor McGonagall came and stopped him. Draco, whose pale eyes were still watering with pain and humiliation, looked malevolently up at Moody and muttered something in which the words my father were distinguishable.

"Is that a threat? Is that a threat? I know your father laddie, I know things about him that will make even your greasy hair curl.

Draco felt soo humiliated. He was turned into a ferret and bounced around, right in front of his crush. So much for trying to humiliate Harry.


When class was over, Harry went and told Hermione all about Draco Malfoy the amazing bouncing ferret. Hermione didn't seem fascinated in any way. Instead she was worried about Malfoy.

He could have really hurt Malfoy, though, she said. It was good, really, that Professor McGonagall stopped it —

"Hermione! Are you forgetting the fact that he was the one that started annoying me?"

"No Harry, just leave it. Have you thought about the first task?" Hermione asked, proud of the way she had changed the subject.

"No, I am not supposed to know the task, now am I?"

"Hmm, I really hope It's not anything dangerous. We should try and learn as many spells as possible."

"Yeah, I was gonna head to the library after dinner. Do you mind helping me?"

"No, of course not. I want to help you in any possible way."

"Thanks, Hermione."

Hermione just smiled.

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