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Draco was mad. Really mad. So mad that he could bite someone's head off. How could that stupid Potter with his stupid scar get to be in the quidditch team when he, Draco, couldn't. Didn't they know who his father was? And the worst part was that Potter got the position because of him!

"All I wanted was to get his attention. Wait, what?! What am I thinking? I just wanted to annoy him. I didn't want him to get a position in the quidditch team!" Draco furiously thinks.



Harry couldn't believe that he got selected for the quidditch team! He even got a new broom today morning from Professor McGonagall. He could feel Malfoy's piercing stare from the other side of the hall. He was thinking about thanking Malfoy since it is because of him that Harry got selected, but he thought against it as that would only make Malfoy even more boiling.

Harry doesn't know why Malfoy was soo against him. He never did anything to make him mad. But Harry can't do anything now, can he?

Sighing he heads off to his next class.


"Ughhhhhhh!!! He even got a new fricking broom when no one in 1st year is supposed to" Draco continues his daily ranting to Blaise.

Blaise is tired of this. He has to listen "Potter this... Potter that..." every single day! He decided. He is soo done with this.

"DRACO!" He says. Draco is startled. "If you are soo obsessed with Potter, then why don't you just ask him out already."

Blaise had meant it sarcastically but Draco had already turned a light shade of pink.

" Blaise, wh...what is wrong w..with you. How c..could you even suggest s..something like that!" Then he continues to stammer.

Blaise laughs, " Relax Draco, I was just kidding."

Draco glares at Blaise and goes to class with Pansy leaving him behind.



Draco was stuffing his face with candy. Halloween had never been soo cheerful when he celebrated it in his house. He was about to grab another pumpkin pastry when Professor Quirrell came in screaming " Troll in the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon! Thought you ought to know"

And then he fainted.

The Slytherins were being escorted by the prefect when Draco saw Potter and Weasley rush into the girls' washroom. Draco was about to follow them but the prefect spotted him and told him to come along.

The next day Draco heard the news that Harry Potter and Ron Weasley had defeated the troll. That was enough to ruin his day.

And Blaise was stuck to hear Draco's rambling again.

"I would have been there too. If only that prefect hadn't noticed me."

"How do they always get to be at the center of the spotlight."

And all that Blaise could do was nod in agreement.

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