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Heeeeey guys!!!!!

As I promised, this chapter is full of Mason.




Shay's P.O.V.


Shine bright like a diamond

shine bright like a diamond...

Find light in the beautiful sea

I choose to be happy

you and I, you and I

we're like diamonds in the sky...

I turned the alarm off and kept singing "Diamonds" by Rihanna

"Shine bright like diamoooond, shine bright like diamoooooooond, shining bright like a diamooooond, we're beautiful like diamonds in the skyyyyy!" I sang-yelled jumping around the room.

For some reason, I was very happy. Maybe because Liam was going to be back, maybe because I would see Mason at school...

"Slut" my inner voice said

Yeah, maybe I was a slut but it wouldn't last for more than 6 days...

6 days...?

6 days...

My happy mood disappeared.

I would leave on Sunday...

Anyway. I stood up and after having a relaxing shower, I put on a bubble gum pink top and a pair of torn jeans along with my black high-heels and went downstairs.

"Morning" Jason said happily

"Morning" I answered

"Judging from your face... You started the final countdown"


"Hey, listen. You can cry your eyes out while packing on Sunday but you have 6 days left here. Be happy and have fun, k?"

"Your girlfriend's smile is contagious anyway" I said laughing

"Indeed. I'm so happy she's mine... I owe you a 'Thanks a lot Shay' "

I laughed. "Come on Romeo, we gotta go to school" I teased

We went outside laughing. Then, something else caught my attention. Mason's SUV was parked next to the silver Chevy. Mason, was leaning against the door with his arms folded across his muscled chest, staring at the sky. My boyfriend was really hot. When his hazel eyes met mine, I smiled. I waved goodbye to Jason

"Morning babe" I told him

"Morning sweetie"

I raised my eyebrow. "Sweetie?" I asked

He scratched his head and looked away. "I knew you wouldn't like it. Going back to baby"

"No. It's beautiful" I cooed and kissed his cheek


"Let's just go" I said laughing


"Wanna go out tomorrow? I don't say today cause I have soccer practice and I can't miss it" he said during the drive

"Ok. Out like, on a date or just a walk?"

"You liked our previous date, didn't you?"

"I loved it!" I chirped

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