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Heeeey guys!!!!

Two updates in two days?????? I do love you guys, don't I?????????

Well, this is short but it this the moment you were all waiting for!

SONG: "Comatose" by Skillet.




I couldn’t understand what the freak was going on with Hadley. I just asked her why her heart was beating so fast because I was worried. I thought she was going to have a heart attack. Ever since, she is locked up into Sha-Lindsay’s bedroom. However, I heard her coming into my bedroom last night. She sat next to me, said something about difficulties and friends. I was too tired to put together all of her words. I knew she was crying but I knew that if I opened my eyes she would run away so, I fought back the need to hug her.


“Come on Had. It’s been 25 hours! Open the door already!” I shouted knocking on the door

No response.

“Hadley I am ripped into pieces and you do NOT help!” I yelled

“Just go to the hospital, see her and you’re gonna be fine!” she yelled back.

A sob followed her words.

“Please tell me you’re not crying”


“Hell no! My best friend is broken and I can’t just leave her, you know!”

“Leave me alone!”

“Is it because of Jason?” I asked.

The door cracked open, she threw her slim body into my arms and smashed her lips on mine.

I kissed her back. I didn’t know why and I didn’t know how but I just did it. I bit her lower lip and she responded by letting out a low moan.

Damn this sound!

I was turned on again. Our tongues started fighting. I let her win and take over the kiss. I explored her mouth. It was warm and sweet. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I pushed her against the wall and pressed my body on hers. Damn, I was hard. When she felt it, she moaned again.

‘What are you doing Liam? The last time you did this Shay almost died’ my inner voice warned me

I couldn’t stop.

She tangled her fingers into my hair and I slipped my hands under her shirt. When I touched the skin of her waist, I groaned. She helped me take my t-shirt out and ran her hands across my chest and abs. I tasted something salty. She was crying again. I kissed her more passionately dragging her into the moment again. She kissed me back for a couple of minutes but then, she yelled “stop” and jumped off my arms.

“Now you know what is wrong with me!” she said and went back into the bedroom locking the door behind her.

I didn’t bother shouting or knocking. I was sure she already had her headphones on listening to her favorite song “You and I”. No, I wasn’t a medium, I just heard it. Yeah, she liked listening to music this loud. when she was upset.


Shay’s P.O.V.




What was this constant beeping?

And who turned the lights off?

And why couldn’t I open my eyes?


Was that a door opening?

“So, how are you today baby girl?” someone asked.

My heart started hurting.


“Come on Shay, wake up!”

That was Mason’s voice.



My sweet and caring boyfriend…

And Liam…



My bad boy.

My hurt and unloved fallen angel.

Where was he?

I was sure I heard him talking a couple of days ago. But then it was like there was no oxygen in the room. I couldn’t breathe until something hit me and I started shaking ferociously.

“How is she today?”

That voice belonged to Liam.

“Same. And you. Get the fuck out of here!”

“Huh? Stop hallucinating Haig. You’re not one to tell me what to do”

“Her father is, though! And he will get even madder when he finds out what you did”

“What the bloody hell are you talking about?!”

“Come on Brown. I how how your brother is looking at you”

“My brother is just jealous and I-I… her…”

“Get out!”

The door opened and then closed.

What was going on…

“Come on Shay. Open your eyes. You need to wake up. You can’t stay asleep forever. Please babe. I need to see your eyes”

Come on Shay! Open your eyes.

Damn! My eyelids weighed about 7 tones…

Come on!

Come on!

Come on!

My eyes fluttered open. Not fully open but still…

“Mason…” I whispered

Ouch! My neck is really hoarse.

“Shay! Shay baby!!!! You woke up! Doctor!!! Nurse!!! She woke up”

I smiled weakly

“I missed you. How do you feel?”

“Good… Tired though…”

“No, no, no! Don’t fall asleep again! Stay with me!”

“I am really tired Mason. I’ll go to sleep and we will talk later, k?”

“No! You need to stay with me! You may never wake up if you fall asleep again”

“I will, daft. See you later” I said and closed my eyes

“Shay! Shay no! Shay stay with me! Shay! Sh-“

Nothing after that.


So, that was pretty much it.

What do you think???






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