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Hey guys and thanks so much for the feedback :') It really means a lot :')


This chapter is kinda short but it had to end at a specific point.

Although, I promise the next one will be long :)

OMG... 1000 READS????

I am literally crying right now :')





#Love is like fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house… You can never tell...

-J. Crawford

 Shay's P.O.V.

“Are you sure you want this?” Liam asked

His voice was husky and his breath unsteady.

“Yes, I am” I stated looking into his eyes.

He kissed me again and I slipped his shirt off him.

He lifted me by my thighs and carried me to bed.

“If at any point you feel uncomfortable or something, just tell me and I’ll stop” he stated

Yeah, I told him about Ethan…

“Thanks” I said and kissed him

He gently put me on the bed and got on top of me. He looked into my eyes, smiled and kissed me.

He took my shirt off and placed butterfly kisses on my stomach. I unzipped his jeans and he threw my skirt on the floor. Looking into his eyes, I  dragged my fingers along his rock chest and beautifully sculpted six pack and smiled feeling his muscles tense. He kissed me again and unbuttoned my bra.

“Still ok?” he mumbled against my lips

“Yes” I whispered

Our naked chests were now touching and the contact was tingling.

When he positioned himself between my legs, I felt exactly the same way I felt when we made love in my dream. I had the same need to belong to him. To be one with him. And seconds later, he got into me and we were finally one. Our hearts were beating like one.

After the second thrust a small moan escaped my lips and he whispered “Best sound ever” making me blush.

We started breathing heavily and I buried my nails into his skin. He groaned and I chuckled.

I’ve never felt so complete before.

Some minutes later, we groaned, climaxing.

“This was perfect” he said and got off me

I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped an arm around me.

“More than perfect” I whispered and pecked his cheek

He caught my chin and made me look at him. “Really?”

“Yeah, really. Best feeling ever” I stated happily and he kissed my forehead.

We remained silent for a couple of seconds. He was just caressing my hair. I guess he was lost in his thoughts like I was in mine.

“Liam” I mumbled


“The whole firework thing… You really fell for me?” I asked

“Well…” he started but he didn’t have the chance to finish his sentence because the door bust open


“Mason?!” I squealed

He dropped the little box he was holding and left

I quickly got up, put my underwear and Liam’s shirt on and followed him.

“Mason wait!” I shouted grabbing his forearm.

Good thing I managed to stop him before the stairs because if he got out of the house I wouldn’t be able to follow him dressed the way I was dressed.

“Really Shay?!” he yelled angrily

“Mason, I’m sorry… I didn’t-“

“You didn’t?! You didn’t what?! You didn’t want to sleep with Brown, hurt me?! What?! You didn’t what?!”

“I’m so sorry” I whispered trying to hold back my tears

“You said you wanted to spend time with Hadley?! Why the freaking hell did you have to lie?!”

“Because I didn’t want to hurt you! I love you Mason. I really-”

“Shut up! Don’t say that again! You know what? I don’t even care! Just one question… Were you cheating on me with him?!”


“No?! You said you weren’t ready to have sex and I respected it. And now you’re saying that you just gave your virginity to some random guy?! Seriously?!”

“Mason I-”

“You what?! You’re just a little slut and I really regret wasting 8 days of my life being with you. Whore!”

I started crying. This hurt. I never meant to hurt him…

“Don’t you ever call her like that again!” I heard Liam growling

And glanced at him.

His fists were clenched, his teeth were gritted and his naked chest was going up and down quickly. He was really mad. Even his eyes were twinkling…

“Or what?!” Mason growled

“Or I’ll be glad to beat you to death” Liam said with pure venom in his voice.

“Fuck off Brown! This is none of your business! Although, if you want her, she’s all yours. I don’t fucking care. Just be careful because something may grow on your head while you’re with her. Like I said, she’s a whore!”

“Like I said, don’t you fucking dare call her a whore again!” he growled and his left fist landed on Mason’s face

Mason took a few deep breaths and then pushed Liam against the wall and punched his stomach.

“Guys stop!” I yelled still crying

But they didn’t… Liam punched him back. Mason’s eye was already swollen… Mason kicked Liam’s face and Liam’s lips started bleeding…

“Please stop!” I pleaded and got between them.

“Stay out of this Shay!” someone growled (I couldn’t precise who though, my vision was too blurry…)

And suddenly, a pair of strong arms pushed me and I started doing back steps. I staggered trying to regain balance until, at some point, I found no ground underneath my feet. I felt like flying for a couple of seconds but then my left rib hit on something hard.

And then nothing.


Another cliffy ;)

Aren't you worried about what happened to Shay???

Keep reading and find out!






Love you all!


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