Chapter 2 ~ A Hidden Sith

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Straight to the action! I never was one to mess around I guess. So, enjoy the chapter!

  "Where's Ahsoka? Is she okay?" Anakin shouted breathlessly as he sprinted into the Halls of Healing.

"We're over here, Anakin," Obi-Wan shouted from a nearby room. Anakin ducked into it just before he blew past the room because of his speed. Inside he found Obi-Wan, Lux, and Ahsoka.

" she okay?" Anakin sputtered. Ahsoka was laid out across a bed, either sleeping or unconscious.

"She's fine. Um...something happened though. I'm not really sure what, but whatever it was, it healed her. I'm not going to complain, though," Obi-Wan replied.

"Have you talked to anyone about it?" Anakin asked.

    "Not yet," Obi-Wan replied, deep in thought, "we need to be cautious of who we let know about this. We still don't know what's wrong with her, and we don't need to endanger her if this turns out to be something important. I think the only one we need to inform this to is Master Yoda."

    "Yeah," Anakin said distantly. He was too busy taking in the sight of Ahsoka. The sight of another person dear to him that he had almost lost.

    "Although Anakin, your actions on Onderon need to be discussed. Taking your anger out in such a fashion will only lead to a path of darkness, and I'm afraid this isn't the first time it's happened," Obi-Wan said, bringing back bitter memories of Tatooine to Anakin.

Anakin was about to protest, but he realized the state both Obi-Wan and Lux were in. Feeling compassion for them, he instead said softly, "You guys can go ahead and get some rest. I'll stay and watch over her for now."

"But what if..." Lux began, only to be interrupted by Anakin.

"I'll let you know if anything happens."

     The other two shared a glance between each other, then smiled at Anakin and sleepily walked out the door.

"Hey 'Soka," Anakin whispered softly as he sat down on the bed beside her, "that was really brave of what you did back there. But I think what I'm the most proud about is how you're too dang stubborn to die. I don't know what I would do without you."

Ahsoka could hear someone talking through the darkness. She tried her best to concentrate, to rid herself of the awful headache she had, to no avail. However, after a few more words, the Togruta quickly realized that it was her master that was talking to her.

Forcing herself to slip back into consciousness, which was harder than it sounded, Ahsoka gently opened her eyelids and replied in her snippy manner, "Well, you'd get into more sticky situations, that's for sure."

"Ahsoka!" Anakin gasped, throwing his arms around her as she sat up.

    "Good to see you again too. Skyguy."

    Wait a minute. Was everything just a dream?

As though she was receiving an answer, a female voice began to speak,

Remember what we told you, Ahsoka. You are the galaxy's last hope. Restore the legacy of the Gray Jedi and bring balance. Don't forget, we will be with you from now on.

"Ahhhh! Who's there?!" Ahsoka yelped, grabbing the pillow from behind her and clutching it for dear life.

"Your crazy imagination," Anakin teased with a chuckle, "and by the way, nice shield. I bet it would even protect you from the Sith."

Ahsoka pouted at Anakin's playful jabs, but she was secretly happy that she had managed to figure out that the voice was the Daughter, and what she had seen while she wasn't just a dream.

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