Chapter 21 ~ To Cross a Gray Jedi

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Okay, so, this took a little bit longer than what I was expecting, but it's nearly 5,000 words long, so I think it was definitely worth the wait.

I still can't believe how far I've gotten in this book! It seems like just yesterday I was only at seven chapters and had a handful of readers. But, thanks to y'all's support, here I am.

Happy reading!

"Ahsoka, I think we're safe," Lux muttered as the Togruta dragged him around a corner. She only continued to insist that they were still possibly in an area that there could be ears, so Ahsoka pulled him along further.

    "Who in the world could be this important?" Lux asked, mostly an annoyed groan, as Ahsoka nervously glanced around. Finally, she shushed him and yanked him into a closet far, far away the Senator's office.

    "You can't tell anyone about this Lux, or we're dead meat," Ahsoka said in a low voice as she closed the door behind them. Light barely shone through the crack between the door and the ground, leaving them in an almost pitch black situation. Lux wasn't sure if this was romantic or eery.

    "So what's so top secret that you drug me all the way in here for?" Lux asked, all the while adjusting to the poor lighting. By now he was able to make out distinguished silhouettes of several objects in the maintenance room, one of which being the Togruta.

    "Remember when I told you that there was a Sith in the Republic?"

    This immediately caught Lux's attention. Even though he had a slight of an idea on who she might have been talking about, the question had been nagging him over the last few years. Now was finally time for him to learn the answer.

    "It's..." Ahsoka hesitated, then lifted her hand up with the Force to sense her surroundings. While there were no approaching bodies, she did detect a security camera. Knowing that Palpatine would have no trouble accessing whatever he wants, the ex-Sith knew that she had to keep any important information away from him. So, within seconds, she had focused on the equipment, then clenched her hand in a fist and ground it to pieces.

    Then, looking seriously into her eyes, she muttered, "It's Palpatine."

    "What?" Lux asked. Sure, he might have had his suspicions, but hearing her confirm it was still shocking, "You're sure about this?"

    "Very," Ahsoka mumbled, thinking back to the awful period of her life that he had controlled her. There was no mistaking the fact that her "master" had been the chancellor.

    "What are we going to do?" Lux panicked, thinking back to the contingency plans. The hidden Sith could execute Order 66 within a second, and just like, the Jedi would be dead.

    "Get him arrested," Ahsoka replied matter-of-factly, "I've spent a long time thinking about this, and I think I have an idea."

    "Which is?"

    "I'm going to tip the Order off to get a midichlorian test done. After that, I'll tell them to come to his office at a certain point in time, in which I'll be engaging in a fight with him. And, if that isn't enough..." Ahsoka stopped as she suddenly felt someone's eyes on her body. She looked back to Lux, who was very much distracted by something else. She grew flustered and annoyed, then decided to knock some sense into him.

    So, she slapped him across the cheek.

    Nothing too hard, just enough to get his attention. "Focus," she snapped, followed by Lux's cheeks growing rosy in embarrassment. Of course, she couldn't see this, but she had a good feeling they were.

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