Epilogue + 💫Announcement 💫

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Okay so this epilogue is written terribly but...

h e r e     w e     g o!

"I just don't know what to do without her," Lux sniffled, pulling his knees to his chest even tighter and burying his face in his arms. Now his sobs came out muffled, making him sound as though he was underwater. Which, indeed, wasn't a bad description of how he actually felt at the moment. He seemed lost, drowning, and alone without Ahsoka by his side.

"I don't either, kid," Anakin sighed, trying his best to keep the moisture from building up in his eyes. He had already cried about 34 times in the last four days, and he was beginning to feel weak and tired from it. Besides, he was supposed to be here to support the senator, not join him in his sorrows, "there isn't anything we really can do."

"This is all my fault," Lux whispered, "if only I hadn't pushed her into finding Palpatine... if only I would've tried harder to keep her from going to Exegol..."

"Hey!" Anakin reprimanded, firmly slapping Lux's arm, "This isn't anyone's fault. Nobody could've changed her mind, Lux, so stop trying to blame yourself. This was all her doing, nothing was preventable."

"Anything can be preventable," the senator whispered back, still not having the strength to dig his head up from between his arms and knees.

"We can't look back on the past like this," the Jedi Knight finally countered, "she would've wanted us to figure out what to do next by now."

"Yeah, she would've, wouldn't she?" Lux chuckled fondly, shifting his neck just enough to where he could wipe his face dry with his right hand, "she was just amazing like that."

"She was indeed," Anakin smiled, but quickly returned to being serious, "that's beside the point. As I was saying, we need to move on. Mourning isn't going to bring her back."

"Maybe not," Lux agreed, "but sometimes it sure feels like it will. Like how my mind plays tricks on me to make me believe that if I cry enough tears, the universe might pity me enough to bring back the one thing that creates joy in my life."

"If only things worked like that. If they did, then I would have both my mother and Ahsoka by my side again. It's a miracle I haven't lost Padmé yet."

"Don't jinx yourself," Lux warned, "luck seems to be running on fumes in this part of the galaxy."

Anakin bowed his head in pain as Lux's words forced him to think back to the events that happened four days prior. It all seemed so surreal; as though it was all just some bad nightmare that he couldn't wake up from. Ahsoka dying? That was just unthinkable. Of all the people that he would've guessed to be the first to go, the feisty little Togruta was definitely not one of them. She always seemed so strong, so brave; maybe that was the reason why she had to be the one to die.

Death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints.

It just takes

and it takes

and it takes.

"It sure is, isn't it?"

"One thing is for sure though," Lux started, confidence that had been missing from his voice in the past several days somehow reappearing, "I will never love another woman again. I don't think I could ever move on and settle for someone less perfect than she is."

Anakin tried to argue back, to convince him that not allowing himself to ever open back up would just send him cascading into a deep hole of depression, but he couldn't find the words to say. To be frank, he agreed with Lux. There was no replacing Ahsoka, whether it be as a lover or as a sister.

"I..." Anakin began, but suddenly he doubled over in pain and clutched his head between his hands.

"Knight Skywalker?" Lux exclaimed, shaking Anakin gently, "are you okay? What's wrong?"

"The Force," he groaned, resting his head in his lap while he tried to block out the pain, "there's been a disturbance nearby."

"What do you mean?" Lux pressed in a very panicked tone.

"Come," was Anakin's only response as he jumped off of the couch and made a beeline for the senator's front door, "we need to hurry."

Together, both with red and puffy eyes, they raced down the halls of the apartment complex that Lux was staying in and to the senator's parking space, which held a speeder. Anakin hopped on and revved the engine up, waiting only long enough for Lux to jump on behind him. Before the onlookers could even blink, the Jedi was speeding off down the streets towards the Jedi Temple.

"I still don't understand what's going on!" Lux shouted over the rushing winds that were ripping past them.

"There's something wrong," Anakin briefly explained, not having the care to go into detail. Then, before they knew it, they were pulling up to the front gates of the Jedi Temple. With one quick glance at Anakin, the Temple guards allowed the two running men in.

"Slow down!" Lux panted as he barely managed to keep up with Anakin's Force-enhanced running, "I think my legs are literally on fire."

"No time for that!" Anakin countered, skidding down a hall and hanging a turn so tight Lux thought that he was about to peel out and eat dirt. "We've got to get there quickly!"
"Get where?" Lux cried out in frustration. For the first time out of the last few minutes, Anakin finally answered with useful information.

"Ahsoka's burial chambers!"

Just as Anakin finished saying that, the two bounded into the deceased Jedi's room. What they saw was shocking, at the very least.

Right there, in the dead center of the entire area, was an open section of floor. The two skidded to a halt right before it, peering down into the hole it created. Right there, where Ahsoka's mostly empty casket should be lying, was the container with its lid off.

However, that wasn't what concerned Anakin and Lux the most.

Ahsoka's lightsabers were gone.

So I bet y'all are wondering what the announcement was.









I'll just show you guys

A Gray Jedi's Legacy Sequel~ A SWCW Story

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A Gray Jedi's Legacy Sequel~ A SWCW Story

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