Chapter 10 ~ Alibis

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Hello everyone! Time for chapter 10! If you ask me, this is a pretty big milestone for this book. If everything goes accordingly, I should be about a third of the way through the book. But then again, when does anything ever go accordingly?

"Where have you been?" Anakin exclaimed, running up to Ahsoka.

"I... I was visiting a planet that the Force called me to," Ahsoka carefully replied as she wormed her way out of Anakin's strong embrace.

"And that would be...?" Mace asked in a snarky tone.

"Nothing of your concern!" Ahsoka fired back, receiving several admonishing glares. She stood her ground though; some pesky Jedi Council member wasn't about to demand her secrets.

"It is every bit our concern," Mace snarled, "You are a Jedi padawan, and anything of your business is ours." However, Mace realized that he wasn't getting anywhere. Ahsoka wasn't about to budge one single syllable. Once Yoda made sure that no more fiery remarks were to be made, he spoke up.

"Strong, your presence has been Ahsoka," he began. Ahsoka tensed up as she realized that she wasn't being careful with her shields. She tried to guard her signature from the others, but knew it was ultimately too late.

"S...strong?" Ahsoka stuttered, "Masters, what could you possibly mean? It's not like I can just magically grow stronger in the Force."

Ahsoka cringed at how ironic that sentence was.

"Decided, the Council is. Midichlorian test, you will take," Yoda firmly commanded. The whole Council hushed as though they were waiting for her to go take it this very second.

They were.

"Yes, Masters," Ahsoka reluctantly replied with a small bow of respect, "I will go take it now."

The members nodded and waited expectantly for her to leave. She did as she was instructed, but not before giving a small huff of annoyance right before she made it out of the door. Thankfully, she didn't think anybody noticed, because if they did Anakin would wring her neck.

With growing anxiety in her stomach, Ahsoka made her way through the halls until she reached the med center. She had sounded so sure when she was in the Council room...but her inner thoughts didn't share the same confidence. In fact, she was almost certain that her midichlorian count would be significantly higher, given that now her strength had been multiplied by crazy amounts. This medical exam would definitely prove to be...interesting.

One of the lead Jedi healers had informed Ahsoka which room she would be tested in, so the Togruta nervously paced down the corridor. Was this it?! Would this be the time that the Jedi discovered her little... secret? Ahsoka has to admit; for the short while she's been trying to hide her identity, she hasn't exactly done the best job. She guessed that lying wasn't exactly one of the subjects that was taught to the younglings.

Ahsoka finally turned into the room that she was instructed to enter. There was a medical droid already inside, a syringe in one hand and a holopad in the other.

"Padawan Ahsoka Tano, correct?" The droid asked in its measured tone.

Ahsoka grunted at this. She wasn't a padawan. At least, not a Jedi padawan. However, that is what the Order knew her as, so she would just have to run with it. "Yes, that's me."

"You're here for midichlorian testing, is that correct?" The medic droid asked as she...or he... tapped a few buttons on the screen. Sure, the droid already knew exactly what Ahsoka was here for and didn't really need to ask, but it was protocol.

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