Chapter 9 ~ Leaving... For Now?

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Happy Mother's Day everyone! I hope all you mothers had a great day...if there are any reading...and if you're a daughter/son, go give your mom a big hug from me and tell her how awesome she is. After all, it's no easy feat raising a cRaZy child like you!

I actually made a cake for my amazing mom today. If y'all want, I can attach a picture of it!

Also, shoutout to @Itsfunneh124 and @Blueshine9 for being very supportive and giving me the drive to go ahead and get another chapter out. Thanks you guys!

Small rays of light that managed to sneak their way past the sleeping quarter's curtains danced across Ahsoka's face. At the feel of the bright and warm sensation, the Togruta slowly blinked her eyes open and stretched her arms out. Sitting up from her position, Ahsoka rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she adjusted to the morning. Today would be a good day, she was sure of it.

More chipper than usual, Ahsoka slinked out of bed and headed over to her luggage that she had laid down on the other side of the room. She rooted through its contents before stumbling across the unworn outfit she had packed previously. Her gaze darted between her usual maroon tunic that laid in a heap on the ground beside her bed and the neatly folded gray outfit. After a couple more moments, she chose to go with the new clothes.

She slipped on the tight-fit gray crop top, then followed with the darker gray miniskirt. After that she clipped on a belt with maroon hourglass flaps that matched the shape of the cutout on her collarbone, fit the dark gray armbands around her upper arm, and slid on her white capris and boots.

Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she packed up all of her belongings in her bag and headed down towards the meditation room. There was a slight whisper in the Force that told her to go there before she left.

Ahsoka laid down her luggage and wandered to one of the meditation mats, then sat down in a criss-cross position and closed her eyes. She focused on the Force: how it flowed through and around the things that surrounded her, but most importantly, the way it coursed through her. It was like a river of energy that sustained her life. Something so minuscule, yet somehow its impact was larger than a collapsing planet.

Memories raced through her mind as she continued her session. Some were of her earliest memories of life on Shili; others were of the good and difficult times of growing up in the Temple. Looking back though, she wouldn't trade one day for a world.

One especially fond moment that replayed over and over again was the first time she had met Master Plo. Her parents had been tragically killed by an akul when she was younger, so she had nobody to really care for her. Sure, some other mother Togrutas had provided her with shelter and food, but she was never loved for the same as their actual sons and daughters. Master Plo though...despite the large mask on his face and the goggles covering his eyes, she could see kindness in his face from the moment she met him. Even though she knew that he would never take her on as a padawan for unspecified reasons, he had always showed her the love that she missed growing up. Sure, if you asked him, he would deny it and claim that it was against the Jedi Code, but Ahsoka knew deep down that the Kel-Dor had always cared for her.

To her confusion, these happy memories were wiped away and scenes that she did not know replaced them. She was about to write them off as just times from her childhood she didn't remember until...

"Ahhhh!" Screams of dying Jedi erupted throughout Ahsoka's head. She writhed uncomfortably in the position she sat it, wanting desperately to get away from these images, but she knew she couldn't. The Force was showing her something for a reason, and she had to pay attention. Dying Jedi continued to plague her vision. They were all getting cut down blaster fire?! Why would the Jedi be getting shot by their own side. Her vision panned out to reveal something even worse. The blaster was coming from none other than the clones. The Jedi were being betrayed and murdered by their own men.

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