Chapter 4 ~ The Path to Knowledge

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  So...just to clear things up before we get started. Yes, I know Myto's Arrow is just a normal trade route and Dantooine isn't that deserted, but I wanted to make it fun. So, just pretend that everything I saw about Dantooine is true :).

  "Where are they," Ahsoka muttered to herself as she paged through old, dusty books. Her search on the internet had been fruitless; there was next to no useful information on Gray Jedi. Occasionally she would come across a few stories of the deceased warriors, but she took each on with a grain of salt. Trustworthy information cites were hard to stumble across.        The library keeper had told Ahsoka that if any reliable information was to be found about the topic she was searching for, she would have to root through a pile of books that nobody had touched in years. The Togruta was beginning to understand why.

    After 30-odd minutes of rummaging around, Ahsoka had the same understanding of Gray Jedi that she had when she was born. Nothing. The Padawan was beginning to think that this was a waste of her time.

    Be patient, Ahsoka reprimanded herself. The Togruta thought that she would've learned the important attribute right now, but her maturity could only increase so quickly. She still had a long ways to go before she would be as wise as someone like Master Kenobi.

    That's just the Anakin in me, Ahsoka thought jokingly as she shifted several tattered books out of her way. She still had no luck.

    "You won't be able to find the information you seek there, Padawan Ahsoka," a raspy voice said from behind her.

    She spun around in surprise, but bashfully hung her head as she realized that her thoughts had lowered her defenses. Growing up as a Jedi during a time of war, she knew that foolishly not paying attention to her surroundings could cost her one day.

    "Master Sinube," Ahsoka greeted with a bow, "What brings you here?"

    "I was just taking a stroll when I sensed your concern," he replied, slowly shuffling towards her and nudging books that were strewn across the ground to the side with his cane, "So you wish to to learn about the Gray Jedi, hmm?"

    Ahsoka's mouth dropped slightly, but she shook her confusion off and asked, " did you know?"

    "Your thoughts aren't exactly discreet," he chuckled before adding, "but as I said earlier, you are better off searching a banther pen for information than these premises."

    "Why though? Wouldn't the Gray Jedi be an important legacy to keep information on?" Ahsoka pondered, cleaning up the mess she had made.

    "Too important, perhaps. I'm not sure how even you managed to stumble across them. The Council makes it a point to keep their history buried," the retired Jedi countered, leaning up against a shelf.

    "But why do they keep it hidden?" She retorted, "To cover up their mistakes? To make sure nobody sees past their lies?" At that moment, Ahsoka's hand flew over her mouth and her eyes went wide. She had said way too much.

    "How do you know of this?" Sinube asked warily.

    "It''s a long story," Ahsoka sighed.

    "Well we better sit down, because I will have to inform the Council of what you said if you don't start talking," the usually calm master fired back. She had to admit, she was slightly shocked. She had never seen Master Sinube act this way before, even during the incident when the thief had stolen her lightsaber. She must've really struck a sensitive spot.

    "Yes Master," she relented, and the two made their way towards the chairs. Her glance darted around, and thankfully there weren't any other Jedi in the vicinity.

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