Chapter 11 ~ Spilled Secrets

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I bet y'all weren't expecting an update this early.

And... I bet y'all weren't expecting a double update!

Let's just say I've been writing ever since I got up this morning...

"So, Master Obi-Wan, what do we need to talk about?" Ahsoka asked with fake innocence as she poured him a cup of tea. Even though she had no clue as to why, Obi-Wan had said that it would be in her best interest to have this conversation in her sleeping quarters.

    "Don't play dumb with me Ahsoka. I know you much better than you know. You're like a daughter to me...I'm going to know when something is wrong," Obi-Wan firmly said after a sip of his tea.

    "Okay..." Ahsoka trailed off as she sat down beside him, "ask your questions, I guess."

    "And you are going to be answering them truthfully, Ahsoka. No more of your pathetic lying skills. Remind me some other time, and we'll work on them."

    Ahsoka cringed at this insult, but he was 100 percent right. She was absolutely awful at lying. "I..."

    Can I tell Obi-Wan?

    Do what feels right to you. If he is trustworthy, then do what you must. Be careful though, the Daughter advised Ahsoka.

Even though it probably confused Obi-Wan, Ahsoka nodded in response.

    "I will tell you the truth."

    "Good," Obi-Wan smiled at Ahsoka, and suddenly everything seemed like it was going to be okay. The Jedi Master was indeed a trustworthy person, so Ahsoka finally felt like she could safely vent to someone without having to worry about them spilling her secrets. The Togruta sighed and took a moment to gather her thoughts before she completely launched herself into the story of her life over the past week.

    " start everything off, I know what the Force wave that you felt on the day of my death was," Ahsoka began, a small smile playing on her lips.

    "You do?" Obi-Wan asked in surprise. Sure, he knew hat he was probably going to learn quite a bit of new things today, but the reasoning behind the Force awakening was not one of them. However, he was intrigued, so he pushed her to continue.

    "Yes, it was in fact, me," Ahsoka replied in a careful voice. She didn't wat to come out with too much information at once so she wouldn't overwhelm him, but that was proving to be slightly difficult. The Jedi Master was already confused due to the lack of context to support the large claim she had just made.

    "How? What in the world could you do while you were unconscious that was so powerful?"

    "Um..." Ahsoka was already lost. How in the world was she going to explain this to him for it to make sense? Sure, she had given her story to Master Sinube with no problem, but that had been slightly more different circumstances. Compared to everything that she has been through since then, what she told the retired master was only half of the story. Besides, Obi-Wan probably didn't even know who the Gray Jedi were. Finally, an idea dawned in her mind, "Obi-Wan, do you remember Mortis?"

    "I thought we weren't bringing that place back up again," Obi-Wan argued, though quickly stopped as he realized that this was probably important to what Ahsoka was about to tell him, "Yeah... I just so happen to."

    "Well... whenever I died there..."

    "How did you know that you died?"

    "That's a...story for another time. Anyways, whenever I died there, the Daughter had a chance to look inside my soul when her energy was being passed to me. Well, guess what she saw," Ahsoka dryly joked, but Obi-Wan wasn't having any of it.

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