Chapter 19 ~ The Fight of Corruption Part 4

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Okay, okay, okay. Yeah, I get that y'all did not like the last chapter.

But come on, you have to admit it, none of y'all saw that coming.

Anyways, that's besides the point. Enjoy the chapter!

 A certain Togruta awoke with a gasp, swiveling her head around to make sense of her dark surroundings. A grunt echoed from beside her, and, with realization dawning on her, she turned to fondly face the direction.

"Are you okay, 'Soka?" A male voice asked worriedly as he sat up from in bed.

"Yeah," she said softly, toying with the material of her sleeping tunic.

"Another nightmare?" He questioned as he scooted towards her, wrapping his big arms around her torso. She melted into the embrace, allowing all of her fear to melt away as she relaxed.

"I'm just so scared to know what would have happened if the Jedi Council hadn't of found me when they did," Ahsoka admitted. She snuggled against him. Even though they were still trying to be quiet about their newly minted relationship, the Togruta couldn't fall asleep without the Senator. The trauma of battling against Dooku and Sidious haunted her to no end.

"You know you'll always have me," Lux said with a smile. Sure, Ahsoka could barely see it from the lack of light, but she could sense his warmness.

The two leaned forwards and closed their eyes...

I'm just messing with you. That's not what happened. Please don't kill me, I have really good reasoning for what I'm doing and I promise you that everything will be okay.

Atroci stared out the window of her transport, gazing at the streaks of hyperspace. Despite her eyes still being golden to hide her identity, Ahsoka was finally coming through. Obi-Wan had managed to chip a a crack through the wall that the Dark Side had surrounded her with, and now Ahsoka was pulling it apart. All that was left to kick away the rubble that was left.

The Gray Jedi didn't realize that this was possible. Sidious had spent the last few years fortifying the barriers that had locked the Light up. Between her forced fall to the Dark and the nagging voice that had said that the Jedi gave up on her, she hadn't even hoped to return to the Light and slip out of the Sith's control.

But here she was, after years of endless pain. Maybe it was true. Maybe the Jedi had given up on her. Maybe Lux had given up on her. Maybe the Light had given up on her.

There was only one thing left that hadn't turned away from her. Something that would always be there for her.


She couldn't give up on herself. Perhaps everyone else had, but if Ahsoka had anything to say about it, she wouldn't. Whether it mattered or not, she had to save her own self. Sure, she really wished that her friends had her back when things like this came up, but life isn't perfect. Shoot, it's usually a living hell. That was a bitter reality that she had come to face.

Turning away from the window, Atroci allowed pain to once more bubble up inside of her. Her eyes stung with the bitter truth of helplessness. She had always vouched to be there for her friends when they needed it, but look at her friends now when she was in need. Nowhere to be seen.

She knew she had to shake her feelings away. Despite how much Atroci wanted it, Ahsoka knew that the more she gave in to her despair, the deeper she would dig her grave in the Dark Side. And, quite frankly, Ahsoka was determined to rid herself of the Dark. She wanted to speak to her friends again. She wanted to converse with the Daughter, Son, and Father, who had been forced into silence the second Atroci had taken over.

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