Chapter 30 ~ Legacy

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Before I get started, I would like to thank everyone for their support throughout this incredible journey. To be honest, I never thought that I'd make it this far, but here I am.

30 chapters in, 4k reads, over 300 votes, and fun times.

Without further ado, I will present to you...

the last chapter of this book.

"Hey, Obi-Wan!" Ahsoka called out as she neared the Jedi Master during a flip. She landed the maneuver and spun around to drive her lightsaber into a Sith's back. She turned around to see a couple charging at her, and without a second thought, she rose a couple of fingers to Force-push them back. When they didn't budge in the slightest, she remembered that they were still in their ghost-form and intangible, then mentally face-palmed. She was going to have to be smarter if she wanted to beat the stupid Sith.

"Ahsoka," he acknowledged, not bothering to take an eye off of the Sith that he was battling right now. "Sorry 'bout the delay, we got tangled up with some of those guard things."

"Ah, don't be," Ahsoka replied, roundhouse kicking a Sith in the face, then stabbing it through the torso as it was off-balance, "you only missed all the fun."

"Yeah, I'm sure we did," Obi-Wan chuckled, but it probably went unnoticed since Ahsoka was already on the move again. This time, she jumped over several Sith and decapitated them.

"All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to win?" Sidious cackled from his view of the show, which Ahsoka and Obi-Wan had been unknowingly fighting beside this whole time.

"Like the girl said," Obi-Wan replied, pointing to Ahsoka, "together."

"Fools!" He spat, rising from his seat and charging Ahsoka. The Togruta winced, but Force-pushed all of the surrounding Sith away and rose her lightsabers up to a defensive position.

"The only idiot here is you," Ahsoka growled, "I've bested you once, I'll do it again."

"Ah, but sweetheart," the Sith Lord laughed, "this is about me or you. This is about a war. And quite frankly, it looks like your side is losing."

Ahsoka pushed his words away and gritted her teeth. She knew he was only trying to get to her head, to manipulate her. He had done it before, and he would get the same result this time. Failure.

The Togruta lunged forward and drove one of her blades towards his stomach, but he blocked it and took a shot at her. Using her other lightsaber, she countered his attack, then began to flow into a rhythm. Together, they danced back and forth, parrying the others blows faster than the eye could move. The Jedi and Sith that caught glimpses of it couldn't help but watch in awe as the Gray Jedi and Sidious moved to a beat that had never been seen before. Not even Grandmaster Yoda could move so fluently and gracefully.

Seeing that just the simple lightsaber combat was getting her nowhere, Ahsoka decided to throw in one of her specialties: acrobatics. She jumped over his blade that he swiped at her feet, cartwheeled to the side as he tried to drive the crimson weapon into her abdomen, then flipped over him and tried to attack from behind. He spun around and met her blow with his own weapon just inches before it scored his back, which caused Ahsoka to scowl. She had almost had him.

"Hold... still..." Ahsoka mumbled as she tried to kick him in the groin, but he scooted away.

"Now where's the fun in that?"

"Me beating you."

Ahsoka tried to Force-push him back, but he met the maneuver with his own. The air between them suddenly became a hazardous zone, vibrating so much that someone in the vicinity might actually be torn apart. Ahsoka bit her lip and pushed harder, but Sidious did as well. No matter how much energy she put into it, he seemed to match it.

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