Chapter 26 ~ Surprise!

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I'm really sorry for those of you who don't watch Marvel, but I had to. I've literally had these three seconds of one dang movie circulating in my brain for the last twelve hours, so I figured, "why not? Let's just throw some references that most of my readers probably won't even get into this chapter. It'll be fun!"

Well, I do have to admit, it was really fun.

But here we go! Enjoy the chapter!

"Surprise!" (I've seriously got to stop with Marvel references) Ahsoka exclaimed in a flat voice as she peeked around the door of the Council room. The Jedi Masters who were currently holding a meeting to discuss some of the war matters all turned to look at her, some confused, and some irritated at the interruption. "I've got a lead on Sidious bigger than your inflated egos."

    Several of the more... frustrating... masters chuckled at this and Mace replied, "Sure you do. Just like the rest of us have found."

    Yoda sent a dagger-like glare at the Jedi Master, which was followed by a reprimand along the lines of, "wish to ruin our chances at winning the war, do you?"

    Mace instantly shut up and mumbled a slur of incoherent words, but Ahsoka wasn't paying attention too much. She quirked an eyebrow-like marking at Yoda's remark but shrugged it off as another one of the grandmaster's confusing schemes. Suddenly, remembering the very reason why she bothered to deal with these psychopaths, she fully rounded the corner and entered the room. In almost an instant, everyone picked up on the fact that she held one of her hands behind her back.

    "So, what is this lead that you speak of?" Obi-Wan asked, genuinely intrigued. It took everything in him not to try and peak around the Togruta to catch a glimpse of what she was hiding.

    "I will show you all in one condition, Masters. I need your promise that you will follow my lead on these matters. I know much, much more on Sidious than any of you do, and I fear the mission will fail again if anyone else is bold enough to assume the commanding position."

    The straight-forward comment definitely startled many of the Council members. Of course, they couldn't stay shocked for too long, since this was indeed the Ahsoka Tano they were talking about. If anyone was to speak their mind as blatantly as they wished, it was absolutely the feisty Togruta.

    "I'm listening," Ahsoka tapped a foot impatiently.

    The masters all glanced around at each other hesitantly, but Yoda quickly spoke for them. "Agree to your terms, we do."

    "Well then, I suppose that is good news," Ahsoka replied, slightly sarcastically but mostly excited, "because I've got something quite brilliant to show you."

    Then, without further ado, she whipped her hand out from behind her back and presented the red, pyramid-like object to the Council. "I did a little research and such, and well, it looks like we're taking a road trip to Exogol."

    "You've accomplished some crazy things in your past," Plo chuckled, "but I think this truly takes the cake. How did you find out he was there, let alone get your hands on one of these things?"

    "It's all in the wrist," Ahsoka joked, flexing her wrist in front of herself. When she saw that a very minimalistic number of Jedi Masters understood her joke, she quickly shoved her hand back to her side and seriously replied, "I mean, the Force."

    "Time to waste, have we not," Yoda pointed out, drawing Ahsoka back to her original plan of action that she had nearly forgotten about.

    "Yes, we must move quickly. He's building an army, so I say we meet him with our own," she paused to add suspension and seriousness to her conversation, looking dead into the eyes of some of the Jedi Masters, "this might not be a battle we can win if my assumptions are correct. We have to be prepared to lay down our lives to protect the ones we love."

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