Chapter 5 ~ Home of the Gray Jedi

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Fifth chapter today? Oh yeah. So, if any of y'all were wondering why I've been taking so long to publish my other book, A Ripple In Time, this is why 😅.

    "Troubled you are, young Skywalker. Wish to present something, you do?" Yoda asked, though he knew the answer.

    "It appear that I uh..." Anakin chuckled nervously while scratching the nape of his neck, "have lost my padawan."

    Several gasps erupted from the Council, most audibly from Master Shaak Ti and Plo Koon. Even though they would never admit it, they had grown quite fond of the Togruta Jedi Padawan.

    "She just...disappeared? Mace Windu questioned, obviously not impressed.

    "As far as I know of," Anakin replied, resentment subtly laced into his words. He was not a fan of the strict Jedi Master, "nothing was wrong. No harsh words have been exchanged between us two, and her past missions have gone wonderfully. There isn't anything off about her room either; the only difference is that her closet was missing several pairs of clothes as well as her suitcase."

    "Perhaps her missions have gone to well," Shaak proposed with a shaky breath, "and she decided that she didn't like the idea of fighting for the war anymore."

    "That's not like the Snips I know!" Anakin defended. However, he got several harsh glares and corrected the name he had called his padawan to Ahsoka, "she would never just up and leave us. Besides, she likes giving those tin piles what they deserve."

    "A trait learned from you, I presume," Mace admonished. Anakin only looked to the ground. However, he began to realize how calm and quiet Yoda was being. The grandmaster didn't even have a reaction to the disappearance of Ahsoka. Finally, after several moments of silence, the short and green humanoid spoke up.

    "Know of Ahsoka's whereabouts, I do," Yoda hummed.

    "You do?!" Anakin countered, his grief lifted off his shoulders, "Is she alright? Is she hurt?"

    "Hope not, I do."

    "Well that really eases my mind," Anakin grumbled while scuffing his boot on the floor in a childlike manner.

    "Well, where is she?" Obi-Wan asked. While he might not show it, he was greatly affected by the absence of his former padawan's padawan.

    "Tell you, I can not. Return, she will, after figuring herself out. Angry or upset, she is not. Very secretive, Padawan Tano was."

    "We are Jedi Masters," Mace growled, "we have a right to know. Anything that is her business is ours as well." While Anakin wanted to lash out at the Jedi Master for his harsh statement, he kept his mouth shut since he wished to know of Ahsoka's location as well.

    "Wrong you are, Master Windu," Yoda replied with his usual chuckle, "our concern it is not, for her personal information. On her own time, tell us she will."

    "Yes Master," Mace muttered.

    "For the mean time, Skywalker, travel to Cato Neimoidia you will. Your assistance, needed there it is," Yoda said after turning to Anakin. The Jedi Knight have him a quick bow, then exited the room to ready himself. If he had anything to do with it, he would finish his newly assigned mission as quickly as he could so he could continue his search for Ahsoka.

    Meanwhile, Ahsoka was nearly halfway across the galaxy. She had been traveling through hyperspace for several hours, and she was beginning to become restless. What would she find on Dantooine? How had supposedly so important stay hidden for so long?

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