Chapter 8 ~ Training at the Temple

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Alright! Time for another chapter! I had a little bit of extra time on my hands last night and today, so I decided to go ahead and get another update whipped out for y'all. Tell me what you think, please! : )

*also, sorry for spelling Mirialan wrong the whole last chapter. I'll go back and get that fixed as soon as I can*

"Well done, Ahsoka. You will become a great leader if you continue to exhibit those qualities," a voice from Ahsoka sounded, making her jump nearly three feet in the air (which is not an exaggeration given her Force-enhanced agility abilities). The Togruta quickly spun around, only to breath a sigh of relief as she realized it was only the Daughter.

    "Yeah, but my fifth sense could use a little bit of work," Ahsoka grunted, scowling at the fact that she had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed the celestial's presence.

    "Everyone has their mistakes," the Daughter calm reminded her, floating to the other side of the training room, "Now come, Ahsoka. There are some things that you are to accomplish before you return to Coruscant. We must hurry too; the Jedi won't wait too long before coming after you."

    "I'd like to see them try," Ahsoka laughed as she followed the Daughter out of the room and down the hall, "I'd be toast if it wasn't for the Force's helping hand."

    The two winded down several halls, and if she remembered correctly, she believed that they were heading towards the library. While she had never been too keen on spending extra time in the library at the Jedi Temple, she was still excited to see what old relics could be uncovered in the old, dusty room.

    Sure enough, they turned into the room that housed the library. While it wasn't as modern and updated as the Jedi Temple's, its rustic beauty and towering shelves was more than satisfactory.

    "I will leave you to yourself for the time being. Go ahead and look through these books for the time being, you may find something interesting," the Daughter instructed, though Ahsoka could tell be a tone in the Celestial's voice that there was no 'may' in this situation. There were obviously some things that the Togruta needed to find and look at.

    Ahsoka gave the Daughter a bow, then the green-haired woman transformed back into an orb and phased into the Togruta's body. While it sounded weird, she had gotten plenty used to it by now, and it only felt as though another presence was joining her Force signature. She wondered how odd it felt to the Jedi masters when they felt Ahsoka's Force signature during the meeting after her turn to the Gray Jedi.

    Heeding the Daughter's instructions, Ahsoka rooted through the books. Many of them were training files and tales of the original Gray Jedi. As she skimmed through the stories she found interesting, she began to feel proud. She felt proud of the heritage the Force had led her to adopt. They were honorable, noble warriors, and there was hardly an instance where she disagreed with the actions they took during conflicted times.

    However, after looking at nearly 30 stories, she decided that she should probably look at more some other day and look for more important things. There was obviously something that she needed to see, and at this rate, it would take her weeks.

    She looked through many shelves of books to no avail. While she was glad that many of these instances had been recorded, she wasn't very pleased with the fact that there were hundreds of books that she had to sort through.

    Suddenly, a gold shimmer caught the corner of her glance. Intrigued by this, Ahsoka turned to a book shelf she hadn't riffled through yet. The first thing she noticed was that the frame of the shelf was much different than those of all the others. The edges were inlayed with gray accents, and the edges were much more detailed in carving.

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