Chapter 12 ~ Sidious's Plan

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I bet you can see why this chapter is going to be exciting...

And it's going to be a long one!

Meanwhile, someone...else...was plotting something too.

"Count Dooku," an old voice croaked from beneath its hood, "I have a special mission for you..."

"Yes, my Lord?" Dooku asked through the transmission.

"There is a certain Jedi that needs to be...terminated," the mysterious figure growled, then let out a diabolical laugh.

"And who may it be?"

"It's a girl," he spat, "A Togrutan girl."

"You wish the execution of Skywalker's pet?"

The cloaked figure laughed psychotically even more, "Yes, yes."

Dooku hesitated, but he finally decided to ask something. "Why do you want her killed?"

"She is foiling with my plans," he said simply, but there was much more behind it. The undercover Sith knew that in order to sway Anakin, Ahsoka would need to be dead as well. Preferably be killed in front of him so that way he could feel weak and helpless, but any way worked.

However, there was something... something more as well. Sidious wasn't sure how he knew, but he had a feeling that the Togruta was catching on to his ruse. If she wasn't stopped quickly enough, then he might be discovered. That would prove to be very chaotic.

"Have General Grievous capture her and kill her. Take Skywalker if you can as well, and make him watch. Make him...suffer..."

Any normal person would get strong shivers sent down their spine at such malicious words, but Dooku was very much used to it. If his master needed him to do his bidding, it would be done. The Count was displeased with the fact that the cyborg would be getting the pleasure of killing the little brat, but he shrugged it off. Less blood on his hands. "And if that isn't possible?"

"Have him kill her either way. And please do remind your friend that if he fails... consequences will be very harsh," Sidious spat.

"He isn't my friend," Dooku growled underneath his breath, but decided not to fuss about it. He knew much better than to argue with the Sith Lord.

"It will be done," Dooku said. He was about to turn off the transmission, but Sidious stopped him.

"I have intel that Skywalker and his pet will be traveling back to Cato Neimoidia soon. General Grievous will intercept their ship and capture them. I will personally transmit the coordinates to him," Sidious said. Dooku nodded in response, and that was it.


Just as Sidious had been told, Anakin and Ahsoka were told to return to the Battle of Cato Neimoidia. The two had taken a little bit to pack all of their supplies, but they were now on their way in a Jedi shuttle.

"Ready to get back to the fight, Snips?" Anakin called from pilot room. Ahsoka had made her way towards the common area of the ship and was strategizing what their moves would be once they got there. Ahsoka cringed at the thought of battle now. Ask her anytime a couple weeks ago and she would've been hyped, but now, not so much. All that was on her mind was taking down Palpatine and saving the galaxy, so fighting in some random, bloody battle wasn't exactly exciting for her. So many clones died daily... it made her stomach churn just thinking about it. Not wanting to lie even more to Anakin, she responded to him pretty straightforward.

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