Chapter 3 ~ The First Gray Step

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And we're backkk. Time for more action! (By the way, there may be variances in how things actually turn out in the real show)

     "The Force, made physical, a Jedi is. Comes great responsibility with that, yes?" Master Yoda asked the ban of youglings that stood before him. While they said no response, they nodded and their eyes were brimmed with curiosity, "Protect others, how does a Jedi?"

    The small green humanoid stood up on the rock he had been previously resting upon. He reached into the pocket of his Jedi robes, withdrawing a green shoto and lighting it. Using the Force, he spun the ignited saber in the air, sparking awe on the soon-to-be Jedi, "Build your own lightsaber, you shall. But first, harvest your crystal, each one of you must."

    Excitement lit up the younglings' faces as they turned to each other, all talking over the others about how one had called it. However, Ahsoka, who stood by Yoda, paid no attention to what they said. While she felt that it was her duty to live out this experience with them, something was nagging at her connection to the Force. After a while of trying to block it out, the Togruta had finally caved and listened to what it was trying to tell her.

    Much to her surprise, it was actually an extremely strong pull towards the caves.

    But...that's impossible...Ahsoka thought in confusion, I already have my kyber crystals. How can more be calling to me? Then realization stuck the Togruta. Not if you've become a different person. Could new lightsabers be the beginning of the path to being a Gray Jedi?

    Ahsoka's thoughts were interrupted as she realized that Master Yoda had been talking.

    "...if Jedi, you are to become, enter the Crystal Caves, you must."

    Were the Crystal Caves just for Jedi though? Or were they meant for people like Ahsoka as well, who valued balance over complete light? She supposed there was only one way to find out; she would have to enter the caves as well, following the tug of the Force.

    The Jedi scolded herself as she realized that Yoda had already finished and it was time for her to give them the important information about the cave. She walked over to the recently-melted entrance, beckoning for the younglings to follow her. Not quite ready to trust herself with words, Ahsoka took a deep breath and tried to momentarily block out the Kyber crystals that were calling for her. "Once you have found your crystal, do not remain inside. As daylight ends, the door will freeze over again and you will be trapped."

    "For how long?'

    "For one rotation. There will be nothing anyone can do for you," Ahsoka said, trying to slightly instill fear into them. While they could easily break the ice and escape after the waterfall had frozen over, it was tradition to give the younglings motivation to make it out quickly.

    "How will we know which crystal to pick?" Petro asked suddenly.

    "Only you can know which one is yours. Now hurry," Ahsoka ushered, resulting in the younglings spinning on their heels and dashing into the caves. Only you can know which one is yours. Right now, it was obvious that Ahsoka's were lingering in the caves.

    "Master Yoda, I must enter the caves. Can I leave the younglings' care to you?" Ahsoka asked the green creature that had been silent.

    "Wish to enter the caves, why do you? Lightsabers, you obtain already."

    "I'm not sure, Master. The Force is telling me to though."

    "Change you have overcome, yes?" Yoda asked, causing Ahsoka to freak out since she hadn't realized that it was a rhetorical question, "What that is, I still have yet to know. Though the ways of the Force, to be not denied. Go you must, Padawan Tano."

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