Chapter 6 ~ The Temple

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    Sorry about the long wait! Right now I'm working on four stories (plus two ideas) and a new cover for my other published book, so I'm a little spread thin 😅. Anyways, it's a little short, but J figured I would go ahead and throw in a quick chapter so I don't keep y'all waiting!

     It had been several more hours, and the sun was beginning to peek out of the horizon. Ahsoka was grateful for this; the long hours she had spent traveling through the night had caused her to catch a chill. Since Togrutas naturally preferred warmer weather, Ahsoka could not wait for the beams of light to shine down on her.

The Jedi Padawan had reached the far edge of the prairie, and now all that was left was the mountain ridge. She didn't know whether to be excited or dismayed, since the rocky and steep mountains promised to be quite the hike.

She paused, sitting down for a moment to take her first break since she had left Caceryn. As she greedily downed some of the cool liquid, Ahsoka began to think. What did the place she was looking for even look like? How would she be able to find it in the broad mountains?

Trust in the Force, Ahsoka willed herself. After all, it had proven to be trustworthy over the last few days. If it wasn't for it, she would probably not even be standing where she was right now.

With that, Ahsoka brought herself to her feet and forced herself to look up the mountain. Though there wasn't a part that looked easy, she managed to pick out a path that was manageable. She followed it as it wound up the side of the mountain, then cut around to the front, then had a really steep incline. For someone like Caceryn, this would've been extremely difficult. However, since Ahsoka had enhanced agility from both her bond with the Force and the Mortis protectors, jumping to and fro was a piece of cake.

The path eventually wound its way to the backside of the mountain, away from any prying eyes that might be onlooking from the prairie. To her dismay, there was not a single building in sight. Gauging from what the Force was relaying to her, the place she was looking for was ahead of her. At least she didn't have to dig into the ground.

There was some bit of good news to it though. From the faint rays of dawn that spilled between the mountains, a path of stepping stones was revealed. Well, almost stepping stones. However, these were spaced so far apart that the only way to make each step was to use a Force jump.

This must be the pathway to the building, Ahsoka thought to herself as she headed towards the closest stone, why else would they be spaced so far apart?

She catapulted herself into the air, carefully calculating her jump to where she landed on the dead center of the next stone. She repeated this for about 30 or so more times, snaking her way up and around the side of the mountain. Finally, several sweat droplets later, Ahsoka had managed to wind her way around the mountain.

And what she saw completely shocked her.

The backside of the mountain she was standing on was one of the several that created a circle. In the middle of the ring of mountains, a perfectly round valley was formed. However, it wasn't exactly the mountains that shocked her. Instead, she was in absolute awe of the structure that was in the center of them. It was a magnificent temple, similar to the one on Coruscant yet nearly triple in size, that towered above the ground on stilts. The stilts allowed it to be so high that bridges branches off the side of the temple, connecting it to the middle of all they other mountains. While the sides did look a little worn from countless seasons of sun and rain, the building itself was still in incredible shape. Pillars of stone and mahogany wood encircled the temple, purely adding to its grand presence.

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