Chapter 22~ Out of the Shadows

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Hello everyone! I don't have much to say, just enjoy the chapter!

    "—and you should've seen everyone's faces. They still can't figure out who was strong and smart enough to take down the Sith Lord. Whenever you come back, you are seriously going to have some long arse explaining to do."

    Ahsoka chuckled as the message stopped. She could almost envision what Obi-Wan had told her through the transmission: Jedi Masters pulling their hair, or whatever form of head attachments they had, while they frantically tried to comprehend the fact that there had been a Sith right under their noses the whole time and they never realized. Or she'd think about the Jedi Knights and Padawans who Obi-Wan had heard rambling on and on about how amazing this mystery person had been. There had even been bets on if it was a male or female.                 "What in the world are you doing up so early?" Ahsoka heard a voice from behind her ask, slightly mumbled and slurred from still being tired. The Togruta had been sitting on the couch of Lux's living room, and he had just walked in from his bedroom. It was true though, the sun hadn't even risen yet.

    "I could ask you the same question."


    The Onderanian came over and sat down on the couch besides Ahsoka. He awkwardly sat there for a moment, contemplating whether or not it would be too big of a move to drape his arm around her. However, before he could even blink, Ahsoka had grabbed his arm, slung it around her shoulder, and leaned into him.

    He sat shocked for a moment, trying to stammer out a response, but nothing came. Ahsoka smirked and teased, "What? Cat got your tongue?" She then followed that by snuggling into his side and purring.

    "Yeah. Yeah I guess so," Lux chuckled, slightly amused that Togrutas could purr. Of course, he had heard something about it when looking through books of alien species, but it was much different to actually hear it in real person. The low, happy rumbling that she was emitting as she comfortably fluttered her eyelids shut was definitely one of the cutest things he had ever witnessed. The only thing that out-cuted it was...well...herself.

    "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Lux mumbled as he planted a kiss on one of her montrals. She giggled, another insanely adorable thing she did, before replying.

    "Yes, several times in fact."

    "That's still not enough," Lux declared, then turned to look her dead in the eye, "Ahsoka Tano, I love you to the other side of the galaxy and back."

    "Well," Ahsoka chortled, "that is quite a bit, but I'm afraid I love you more. To the other side of the galaxy, back, to the other side again, and back again."

    "Impossible," he whispered, before his lips twitched into a grin and he said, "I love you so much that you can't even compare it to distance."

    "I guess I do too, then" Ahsoka mumbled as she pressed her forehead against him, brushing her nose against his. They stayed like this for several moments, but she eventually leaned back and stood up.

    "I think... I think today is the day, Lux. It's been several days that we've had time to ourselves, but now I think it's time."

    "Today?" He whined, "Can't you just do it tomorrow?"

    "It's been several days, silly," Ahsoka teased, to which he only crossed his arms and huffed.

    "That's still too short."

    The Togruta sighed and finally replied, "I love you a lot, but it's time for me to get back into the swing of things. I've left the Jedi hanging for too long, and I think they might all go crazy if they don't figure out who I am soon enough. Well, that's saying they aren't already mental, which is honestly pretty likely."

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