Chapter 29 ~ The Battle of Exegol

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Have we really made it this far?

Yep, we have!

Now hold onto your lightsabers, it's time to begin the action!

 "Move out," Ahsoka quietly commanded, making a sharp gesture forwards. Together, she and the rest of her legion advanced through the winding halls of the large Sith base. To be honest, it was indeed quite confusing to navigate.

"How close do you think we're getting?" Anakin asked as he darted up to Ahsoka's side.

The Togruta paused and felt out to the Force. After a quick moment of searching her surroundings, she turned back to Anakin and replied, "we're only a minute or so out. We'll definitely be the first group that makes it to Sidious. Let's just hope we can hold out long enough."

"I'm sure we will. We do have me on this team, anyways," Anakin boasted proudly, earning a snicker from the Gray Jedi.

"That's exactly what I was worried about," Ahsoka sarcastically snipped back.

"Pfft. You're just jealous."

"General!" A Jedi Knight that Ahsoka wasn't familiar with called out, then pointed to their right, "look!"
Ahsoka pivoted to see a small band of people that seemed like guards. They possessed electro staffs and seemed to be marching their way towards the Jedi.

"Don't worry about it," Ahsoka insisted, then clipped her lightsabers to her belt. Now that both hands were free, she rose them up in the air to practice her connection to the invisible powers. With just one twitch of her fingers, several went flying. Then, with a leftwards swipe, Ahsoka controlled a few of their electro staffs to go against the wielder's grip and shock themselves. Now, only a few remained standing, which Ahsoka destroyed by twisting their back so much that their spinal cords snapped.

"That was a little... harsh," Anakin finally managed to cough after he caught up to Ahsoka, who was already on her way again.

"War isn't pretty," Ahsoka simply replied, "at least I didn't brutally murder them."

Anakin turned back to see the groaning bodyguards on the ground, who were now unable to move anything below their mid-back. "Maybe not, but I think they would've preferred that result."

Ahsoka only shrugged and called her pure white lightsabers back to her hands, then reignited them to help lead the way through the shadowy halls. "We're getting closer. Can you feel the Force going crazy?"

"As bright as day," Anakin replied.

The Jedi were in for quite a shock as they rounded the corner, only to find something much different than all of their previous turns. Instead of just finding another dark hallway, they ended up realizing that they were standing in the middle of a large arena-like opening, with a throne of some sort on the other end of the room. And, sitting in that throne, was none other than Sidious.

"Ah," Ahsoka awkwardly chuckled out, "so... we meet again? Quite unfortunate circumstances."

"Yes," he cackled, "quite unfortunate for you."

Then, before Ahsoka could even question his statement, a battle cry of thousands, if not millions, of Sith sounded out. In a slight panic, she spun around to see hoards upon hoards of Sith spirits, all standing in rows with hoods covering their faces.

"That doesn't look very good," Ahsoka commented to herself, but she forced her mind to shake away the negative thoughts. They would do this. They would defeat Sidious, and all of his army while they were at it.

"Jedi!" Ahsoka called out, leaning forward in an offensive stance, "Now is the time to fight for everything that you've ever known! It's now or never, people!"

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