Chapter 17 ~ The Fight of Corruption Part 2

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I'm back!!!!!!

Ready for another chapter?

You are?

I don't think so. Especially not next chapter.

"Masters," Anakin yelped breathlessly as their holograms finally popped up, "I have a big emergency."

"Sensed this, we have," Yoda remarked. Of course, you didn't need to use the Force to tell this. His face had anxiousness and worry etched so much into his feature that he almost looked like a different person.

"It's Ahsoka!" He exclaimed. Several gasps erupted from the Council, followed by concerned faces.

"What's wrong?" Shaak spoke up, slightly to everyone's surprise. The Togruta usually kept to herself during meetings as such, only speaking when necessary. After a few moments of thought, Anakin wrote it off as it being because they were of the same species, and Togrutas probably liked to look out for each other.

"She was taken... by Count Dooku. Both Kayla and I witnessed it with our own eyes," he hastily answered.

"Curious, this behavior is. Lure, to get Padawan Tano away from the Temple, perhaps this was," Yoda thought aloud, causing others to ponder over this as well. The reason why Ahsoka could be so important to the Sith was well over their heads.

"But why? Why not Anakin, Masters?" Kayla spoke up, voicing what many of the Jedi Masters had been thinking themselves.

"I think I may know why..." Obi-Wan quietly said, but these words alone were enough to get the attention completely directed towards him, "I can't say though. I've sworn to secrecy. All I can tell you is that there is something that Ahsoka has that they are in pursuit of."

"Wait a minute," Anakin recalled, realization dawning on him, "when Grievous captured us, he did seem much more interested in Ahsoka. Could there be a connection between the two events?"

"That's a possibility," Mace agreed, "though I still think that we need to know what's so important. Maybe we can try and offer it to them in a different method in exchange for the padawan."

"It's not like that," Obi-Wan assured them, "they won't accept any trade."

"But how do we know you're telling the truth? Anyone can make up stories," Mace argued.

"It's called having a little faith," Obi-Wan admonished, then shrugged him off his shoulder and turned to Anakin, "do you have any idea where she's gone?"

"No," Anakin admitted, looking down shamefully, "I have no absolute clue."

"Find Padawan Tano we must," Yoda declared, "not just for whatever she possesses that Master Kenobi speaks of, but because we have already failed her once with Grievous. Make the same mistake twice, we will not."


"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Ahsoka screeched as she fell to the ground, clutching the sides of her lekku. Sidious only laughed diabolically, inching his hands closer and strengthening the invisible grip he had on her mind. "You'll... never... win," Ahsoka growled in between gasps of breath.

"I might not," he chuckled, "but the darkness will. In time, you will hand yourself right over. I have foreseen it."

"Well, you should really get your foresight checked," Ahsoka rasped, fighting as strong as she could to break away from his Force grip, "because that isn't happening anytime soon."

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