Pretty Brunette [1]

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"I'm Neddy. Pleased to meet all of you!" I bowed down. My hand pulled my skirt down. My fingers fidget and my foot kept kicking the ground. I constantly adjusted my red glasses, even when they didn't need to be adjusted. My eyes looked around the room, unable to focus on an object.

After the teacher said a few things, she asked me to take an empty seat. I went to the seat near the window. As I sat down, I looked down at my lap. School uniforms weren't alien to me since I came from a nearby country. But the fact the skirt didn't even reach the knees made my anxiety spike.

Thanks to my mum, I had insecurities about my own body. And the school uniforms weren't helping. I was starting to miss the oversized white and blue uniforms my previous school had. It made my insides boil, but at least it didn't show off parts of me.

I kept crossing my legs. My black stockings itched to the point I wanted to rip them off. Being transferred to Japan was a fun idea and all, but I didn't think I would have this much trouble with the uniform. When my sensei told me I had a chance to transfer, I didn't even think twice.

Plus, my parents thought it would look good on my college application.

I looked around the homeroom. My hands began to shake, am I supposed to make friends? I was stuck with the same people for such a long time, I'd forgotten how to approach people. Or do people approach me? 

I wondered how was the Japanese transfer student doing in my school. It was some black-haired kid named Mizuiro or something like that. I did see him for a few moments at the airport. He seemed like a nice guy. I was sure he'd fit in quickly.

The bell rang, indicating it was lunchtime. Everyone was still in class as they took out their lunch boxes. You know this. Sensei has briefed you on it. I took out my lunchbox. I packed myself an egg sandwich. I was in a rush, even though back in my country school would start way earlier. But I got carried away with my snooze button.

I saw a figure approaching me. I looked up. Her hair was long and burnt orange, a sweet smile plastered on her lips. Her brown eyes beamed with bright emotions, "Hey, I'm Inoue Orihime! Mind if I sit with you?"

I nodded. She grabbed a chair and sat at my table, placing her lunchbox down. "So, I heard you're from another country?" I answered with a simple nod. "Tell me all about your country! We don't usually get normal transfer students," she beamed.

I tilt my head to the side, normal transfer students? What does she mean by normal? But I quickly dismissed it, "Well..." I paused, giving myself some time to think, "The weather there is always sunny and hot. And it doesn't have any seasons."

"It doesn't have any season?" she repeated, "So, it's gonna be your first-time experiencing winter, fall, spring and summer?" she asked.

"M-Maybe not summer... But yeah, it's gonna be my first time," I gave Orihime a weak smile, adjusting my glasses.

She gasped, "Did you bring some winter clothes? Did you bring extra scarves? I got extra clothes if it gets too chilly for you!" she burst suddenly into a panicked frenzy.

"N-No! I'm fine, it's alright, Inoue-San..." I patted her arm, calming her down, "Say... um... you said this school doesn't usually get normal transfer students..."

She tensed up, "D-Did I say that...?"

I nodded, "What does that mean...?"

"It-It means nothing!" she laughed nervously, flailing her hands around, "You don't have to worry about it!"

"A-Alright then..." I nodded. Maybe it was nothing.

"Is there a reason you moved here?" she asked.

"I moved to Karakura Town to get a fresh new start," I answered, "I guess I could say I wasn't really happy with the previous school I was in."

"What happened there?" she asked, her tone hushed and soft.

I looked into her brown eyes. It was filled with warmth and worry, "Lots of things."You just met her. Don't freak her out with your past! "S-Sorry, I don't feel like sharing them... for now..."

"O-Oh, sorry for asking..." she looked away from me, tucking a strand of hair away.

"No, it's alright," I smiled at her.

The bell rang, saving us two from an awkward silence. Orihime got off her chair, "Well, it was nice talking to you, Neddy-san!" she beamed. 

"You too! And please just call me Ned," I replied. She waved goodbye before dragging her chair away from my table.

I stayed back for club activities. It was exhausting. I guess the first day always was. I looked into my bag, feeling like I was missing something. I stopped in the hallway for a minute, mentally retracing my steps. I snapped my fingers, "My lunchbox!" I huffed, stomping my way back to the homeroom.

I always forget about lunch boxes. I once forgot about my mum's Tupperware at school. And from that day, I was never to be trusted with expensive items ever again.

I pushed the door open. I froze, seeing a figure standing in front of the blackboard, "S-Sorry for interrupting!" I managed to squeak out. 

The figure looked at me, presenting a warm smile, "It's alright," his voice was deep, smooth and velvet.

I closed the door behind me and went over to my table with my head down. I looked under my table, took my lunchbox and put it into my bag. I pat it twice to make sure it was in there. I looked at the figure.

He was tall. He had brown hair and brown eyes. Black square-rimmed glasses framed his features. Something about him made my heart jump. "Um, sir?" I called out softly. He turned to me, humming in response. "Are you going to teach this class tomorrow?" I asked, my fingers fiddling with the strap of my bag.

"Well, yes, I am," he turned back to the board, "I'm just trying to... you could say rehearse for tomorrow," he replied, his hand going to his chin, "I'm pretty new to teaching." He turned to me, adjusting his glasses, "You should head back before it's dark."

I looked outside, noticing the sky was a shade of orange, "Oh!" I squeaked out. I slung my bag to my shoulder, "Um-- I'll have to excuse myself, sir," I muttered, turning my attention to him. I walked to the door "Good evening to you, sir," I said, bowing down a little.

"Good evening to you too," he replied, "Don't be late for my class tomorrow."

"I won't!" I replied, flashing him a smile before walking out of the classroom.

A Normal Transfer Student [Bleach Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now