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"So, let me get it straight," I placed the chopsticks into the bowl, "There's the Shikai, which is like the first level of strength to the Zanpakuto and then there's the Bankai which is like the final form of the Zanpakuto and is way stronger from the Shikai," I paused, "Did I get it right?"

Renji nodded, "You're processing it better than the rest."

I shrugged, "I mean I write and this might be good material," I placed my finger on my temple, "Plus I kind of let go of reality already so I can easily process this. I may be stubborn, but these types of things tend to stick with me."

"Huh," he leaned back in his chair, "You write? What kind of stuff do you write?"

My eyes widened, and I cleared my throat, "Basic trash. You don't wanna read any of them, believe me," I looked away from him in embarrassment. I remembered all the erotica I tried to do. And I failed miserably. I still kept them. Oh, the adventure books I made but never finished.

He scoffed, "Come on, I'm sure I've read worse."

"So, you're willing to read an erotica by a 14-year-old?"

His face became red. I laughed, covering my mouth. I shook my head, "You don't have to. Besides, most of the books I made are adventure and unfinished. I've tried finishing them, but I couldn't seem to remember the ending I wanted," I sighed, seeing him calm down. His cheeks tinted pink, he crossed his arms.

An ear-piercing roar was heard. The sound was familiar. Goosebumps rose on my arms as I looked over to Abarai-Kun, "That sounds nearby," I muttered.

He nodded, "Go to your room and close the door," he took out his soul pager.

I followed his orders almost immediately. But before I went into my room, I took both of our bowls to the sink. I ran into my room, closing the door behind me. I threw myself on the bed, trying to shake the feeling off. The feeling when I was chased by a silhouette of a Hollow a few days ago.

I brought my knees closer to my chest. I stared at the empty wall, wondering what poster I should hang up there. The breeze of the night blew into my room through the window next to me. I closed my eyes, trying to distract myself from the fact a Hollow was nearby.

My senses were blaring alarms. The air felt thick for some reason. It felt the same from the day I was chased. I thought it was because I was running. I managed to stabilize my breathing by doing the 4-5-6 breathing method. But the air still felt thick and heavy. I opened my eyes, noticing the wind wasn't blowing anymore. I turned my head to the window.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. I pushed myself off the bed, dragging myself away from the thing. Every curse word in my mother language slipped out of my lips. The thing was long. Huge even. The Hollow looked like a centipede. Its sharp legs crawled into the walls of my bedroom. I quickly recovered and went for the door. Just in time for Abarai-Kun to run in.

I collapsed in the hallway, my eyes wide and my heart racing until my chest hurt. Renji was struggling due to the size of the room. The Hollow was huge, half of its body was still outside. I braced myself and grabbed Renji. Received a few mouthfuls of protest and curse words. I dragged him to the window, pushing him out. And I followed after.

Renji quickly caught me. He looked fine from the fall, "What were you thinking?" he asked, sounding pissed.

"You were struggling to swing your Zanpakuto in there, pandai," Pandai wasn't really an insult because it means smart, but my culture love using that word for sarcasm. The red hair placed me down as my eyes were trained on the giant centipede hollow.

I never thought centipedes were such a scary thing since it was rare to find them in my home country. Looks like that changed.

Renji swings his Katana and cuts it in half. The thing stopped for a moment. Both of us took a few steps back expecting it to collapse. A hundred smaller ones came out of the cut, and both of us screamed in both surprise and horror.

"This is new!" he shouted, running with me.

I looked at him with a face, "You mean you never handled a Hollow before?!" I shouted back at him.

"I have! But not this type!"

I finally remembered something. I had an American friend who encounters house centipedes. One piece of advice she gave me was never to squash or cut it because, just like a spider, you might unleash a dozen miniature versions of it.

"What are we supposed to do?" I asked him.

The thing roared again, I looked behind us. Mentally scaring myself. The thing, despite it having a cut along its back, was still moving. Worse, it had hundreds of smaller ones still coming out of the cut.

I covered my mouth, holding in the urge to gag. "You alright?" the lieutenant asked.

"I think dinner is making its way out," I said, my voice raspy. My eyes began to water. Renji grabbed my shoulder, and he jumped. We landed on a roof, his hand on my wrist.

He was practically jumping from roof to roof. One hand had his soul pager the other was dragging me. He kept his soul pager in his Shihakusho, still running and looking like he wasn't going to stop. However, I was getting tired. Maybe I should start exercising, I adjusted my glasses since it was slipping off my nose.

"Do we just run?" I asked him.

"Yup," he answered, "I may be a lieutenant. But I can't handle that alone."

I looked at the thing again, "How is it still moving?" I narrowed my eyes. It was on the ground and a few steps behind us. The Hollow's legs made me shiver. It crushed the concrete underneath it. I paused for a while, remembering another thing about centipedes, "Can Hollows have abilities?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's possible," he answered. I stared at the thing and looked away.

I felt something wet splattered on my left calf. It burned intensely and my left foot became numb. I pulled on the back of his Shihakusho, trying to notify him about my leg.

A Normal Transfer Student [Bleach Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now