But I danced with another. [38]

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I was sitting down next to Shinji again. Apparently, my glasses weren't the only thing Mashiro broke. Blood dripped down my head. So, I had cotton taped to my forehead. My brown eyes followed Ichigo as he ran around while Hiyori was chasing him with a white folded paper fan.

"I've been meaning to ask ya this," I looked over to Shinji. His eyes focused on the bandage on my leg, "What happened there?" he asked, tilting his head up a little. I looked over to my bandaged calf, "Oh. A Hollow attack my house a few weeks ago," I explained, "It spitted out acid and caught my leg," I looked over to Shinji, "It burned my leg pretty bad. But I'll recover in 3 or 4 weeks."

"But you can still walk?" he asked, looking away.

"I taught myself a little trick with my ability," I muttered, "Since I can play around with gravity, I reduced gravity on my left leg so if I take a step, it'll be gentle on my injury," I explained, "Though, Kisuke-San gave me the idea."

Shinji smiled, "That's smart."

Butterflies. Every time I was near him, butterflies suddenly lived in my stomach.

He was sitting right beside me. One knee up and an arm on the knee. Another hand on the ground. Like how those supermodels pose. I was looking at him. Scratch that, I was staring at him. I had to admit, I was loving every single angle of the man.

And to think I had to wait for ten years. I made that promise.

"You like jazz, don't you?" I asked him. And this caught his attention. His head turned to me, his brown eyes sparkled with emotion. "I mean, I can tell from yesterday's date. While we were at the music store, you lingered a little longer at the jazz section," I smiled a little.

"Yer pretty observant," he said, "And yes, I do like jazz."

"So, can I assume you know how to dance?" I fiddled with my fingers, looking away from him. Was I hoping he said yes? Absolutely.

"Yer reading me easily," he chuckled, "Ya interested in dancing?"

"Oh, um--," I didn't think it would get this far, "Kinda," I laughed nervously. The honest answer was I was obsessed with the idea of dancing. It was restricted in my culture due to the fact you have to hold the person-- usually an opposite gender-- to dance.

I might be committing a sin, but hell, you only live once.

Shinji stood up. He offered me his hand and I gladly took it. He helped me up and lead me somewhere. "I got a vintage music player," he informed. My head perked up, my eyes sparkled, "You do?" I asked, "Like an actual vintage vinyl player?"

He looked over to me, smiling at my reaction, "Ya know your stuff, huh?" I felt bashful all of a sudden, "I mean my uncle was a music enthusiast," I mumbled, "Plus I find those things aesthetically pleasing." He stopped and let go of my hand. I stood next to him and noticed a small table. On it was a vintage vinyl player. Like the ones, you see in movies.

He placed a disc in the vinyl record and slow jazz started playing. He took my hand, "Can ya dance?" He asked. That immediately caused me to panic slightly. His hand went to my hip and another held my hand. Wei, its happening, WEI-- "I-I-- Uh-- I never danced before... can you lead?" I bit my lip, unable to look at him in the eye.

Never danced before was a lie. I danced multiple times with brooms and mops. If that counts.

I laced my finger around his and placed my left arm on his right shoulders. I've read a lot and I hoped it paid off. I looked into his eyes, trying to make it less awkward. My heart beating right off my chest. He took the lead as I asked and I swayed with him. Warmth in his brown irises. His eyes half-lidded as he looked at me.

I was blushing like mad.

"Yer footwork is amazing," and that made my blush worse. So reading does pay off. "Thank you," my voice was suddenly soft, "You're doing pretty amazing yourself," I said, smiling at him. A smirk showing his pearly whites came on his lips.

I felt a little bold so I did something. I slid my hand up from his shoulders to his back. My arm resting on his right shoulder. The distance between closed. I was fully flushed against him. His smirk quickly faded away and his cheeks started to redden.

I was truly sinning. I bet my ancestors were shaking their heads as they stared down at the two of us.

I smiled a little at my achievement. Even though, it could quickly backfire. The distance between our lips was so close. I looked into his eyes as we swayed side to side. His face inched a little closer to me. My fingers played with his straight hair. I looked at his lips and back into his eyes. I inched a little closer to him. Our lips inches apart.

And then I placed my head on his shoulder.

Shinji chuckled, "Yer a tease, angel," he squeezed my hand. I let out a small giggle. I was cursing at myself for trying to be a tease. I could've had my first kiss right there. Dancing in the arms of a person I absolutely adored. It was a perfect setting.

But no, I wanted to be a fricking tease. I wanted to impress him. I wanted to tell him I wasn't some shy little chick. But I was a shy little chick. My dumbass needed to get herself together. God, I was a mess. Every time I was around him, I couldn't think straight. It sounded like a clichē but it was true.

At least Shinji liked it.

And that was enough to make me happy.

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