As I noticed something new [19]

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"I don't have much knowledge of guns or how to hold them correctly. But from what I'm seeing, you're using two hands, like using a bow and arrow," he muttered. I looked at my posture. He eyed me for a moment, "Open up your legs."

The sentence flew into my head and it immediately triggered a memory. Nothing wrong with that sentence, nothing wrong— I placed a leg behind, giving me more stability. I bit my lip, stopping myself from smiling. Though, I failed to hide the blush creeping on my cheeks. Nothing wrong with that sentence.

"Like this?" I looked at Uryu for assurance.

He nodded, "Now, shoot."

I reacted almost immediately. Which scared me a little. "You have better balance this way," he informed. I did because this time I didn't stumble back. "Though you could reduce your Reiatsu," he muttered, "Using too much might wear you out quickly."

"How do I reduce it?" I asked. I only knew how to channel it.

"You focus too hard on it," he looked over to me, "You tense up too much."

"Well, yeah, maybe that's the severe anxiety kicking me," I mumbled, looking away from him.

"Try relaxing," he muttered.

It was common for me to hear that. The problem was, how? I furrowed my eyebrows. I kicked the debris on the rock. My lips were suddenly dry. Sweat started dripping down my temple, despite the atmosphere being so cold. Oh god, my anxiety is kicking me. I adjusted my glasses, feeling fidgety and uneasy.

I tensed up even more, feeling a pair of hands on my shoulder. "Let me help," Uryu muttered, gripping on shoulders. All my insides immediately shouted Haram! Get his hands off you! Thought I was enjoying it. His hands felt firm yet gentle. I heard a few cracks, but I ignored them. His fingers pressed on my shoulder blades.

It was actually working.

I sighed, feeling my muscles relax. Uryu took his hands off me, "Better?" he asked. I nodded, letting my shoulder drop. Never knew massaging could work wonders. I took a deep breath, eyeing the gun in my hand. I pulled the trigger. Bright blue came out of my gun, but its size wasn't outrageous. It looked like a bullet.

The bullet made a small clean hole in a tree trunk in the distance. I looked at Uryu, a smile plastered on my lips, "I did it, Ishida-Kun!" I beamed.

He chuckled at my reaction, "That wasn't hard, was it?" he asked, adjusting his glasses. I nodded, feeling all fuzzy and cheerful inside. He stood beside me, his Quincy bow appearing in his hand, "Mind if I practice with you?" he asked. I nodded.

"First one to stop buys lunch!" I exclaimed, giggling.

"Don't make challenges you can't keep up, Ned," he replied, his blue eyes shined with competitiveness.

Hours passed. He was right. I shouldn't have made challenges I couldn't keep up. I sat down on the rock, panting. I was drenched with sweat and feeling extremely tired. Though Ishida-Kun didn't look any different. "Giving up already?" he taunted, still shooting arrows.

I crossed my arms, "You don't look so good yourself," I fired back, receiving a chuckle from him.

He stopped shooting, putting his arms down as his bow turned back into the little pendant. I looked over at his hands, "You're bleeding," I gasped, taking his hands into mine.

He looked at the palm of his hands, seeing scarlet red beads seeping out, "This happens frequently. Don't worry about it."

I gave him an angry look, "What do you mean this happens frequently?" my grip on his hand tightened, "I may be new to all these things. But Ishida-Kun, you shouldn't push yourself like this."

"Well..." he looked away from me, "I know my limit," he answered.

"Shooting 'till your hands bleed is going over your limit."

He looked over at his hands. His expression changed to surprise. I raised an eyebrow and looked at his palm. To find it no longer bleeding. The wounds glowed magenta. After a few seconds, his palms looked fine. I let go of his hands, blinking at him. A second later, a small vision came into my mind. It was Uryu shooting, but I seemed to notice the moment his hand started to bleed.

I looked at my own hands, seeing them glowing in the same hue. "Ned," I snapped my head up, looking at him. "How did I..." I was at a loss for words. Did I just heal his hands? "I saw how your hands suddenly bleed," I muttered, "The exact moment when your hand bleed." We sat in silence. My heart started speeding up as my hand began to shake.

Uryu placed his hands above mine, making my hand form a fist. "Come on," he muttered as he proceeds to pick me up bridal style, "I'm buying lunch." My eyes sparkled, looking over at him.

"Really?" I said, sounding a bit too eager.

He chuckled, placing me down on dry land, "Yeah, come on." I twisted the flower as the gun snapped itself into a bracelet again. I walked right next to Uryu.

We stopped at a convenience store and bought food. We were sitting on a bench at a park. I had no idea what to buy, so I just bought what he bought. It was a sandwich, which tasted pretty good and sweet. I watched a boy walking side by side with his two parents. The father was holding a soccer ball.

"Can I tell you something?" he suddenly spoke.

I turned to him, "What is it?"

"Your gun actually gathers Reishi," he muttered.

I was silent for a minute, "I'm pretty dumb," I said, "What's the difference between Reishi and Reiatsu?"

"Reishi is spirit particles. Something you can find in your surroundings," he explained, "Reiatsu, however, is spiritual pressure. It comes from an individual in shorter terms."

"Oh," I nodded, "My gun gathers Reishi?"

He hummed, nodding, "From what I saw a few moments ago, your Reiatsu magenta," he muttered, "I've never seen anything like it."

I shrugged, "I guess I'm a little different?"

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