A coiled necklace[55]

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"Tesra, you're weaker than I remembered," Nnoitra commented, snarling at his fraccion. "My apologies, Master Nnoitra," Tesra answered, "It has been a while since I've done this." I leaned onto the boulder as I watched them. I looked to my side, looking at the empty desert. It was only us outside. I fanned myself with my hand, bringing my attention back to the duo, seeing Tesra shooting a red beam from his eye. And Nnoitra easily hit it aside.

I was quick to push myself to the side. The boulder behind me crumbled into pieces as the red beam hit it.

I looked over to the duo, blinking. I wiped the sand off my sleeves as I sat up. I clapped at them, "That was amazing!" I beamed, "It could have killed me!" I gave them a closed eye smile. It sounded sarcastic, but I meant it. I just sensed Tesra needed the compliment. I opened my eyes, looking at Tesra. He was flustered a little. 

I wasn't sure if it was from the heat or embarrassment.

Nnoitra looked over to me, "You got reflexes," he muttered. I blinked at him, "Th-That's human nature, of course, I have reflexes!" I placed my hand on my chin, "Oh, maybe you don't want to compliment me?" I teased him, "I'm sure a regular human would have been killed by that just now."

"You were lucky," Nnoitra snarled at me, "Don't piss me off when I'm holding my weapon." I silently giggled, "Was that a Cero from Tesra?" I asked, looking over to the dirty blonde. He nodded. I hummed, "I wonder what's oversized spoon's Cero looks like," I tilted my head to the side.

"You should address Master Nnoitra properly!" Tesra shouted at me, "You're not worthy to see his Cero, you're only a mere human," he eyed me, crossing his arms, "It'll probably kill you before you would realize."

"Oh?" I gave him a cheeky smile. I was in a mood to piss someone off, you know because I had the little sister instinct. And I had to admit, I missed pissing my brother off. Both Nnoitra and my brother have the same exact level of patience. "So, that means your Cero was pretty weak, huh, Tesra?" I cupped my own face, "I guess it was just a light show?"

I could see his vein pulsing on his forehead, "Why don't you come over here and I'll show you what my Cero's made of!" he stomped his feet, pointing to the ground.

"Eh? I thought a Cero is used for long-distance?" I smiled at him, "I may look dumb but I know one or two things about Arrancars." 

He looked at me, dead in the eyes, "Cero." I got onto my feet quickly, watching the red blast coming my way. I was planning to jump, but the skirt stopped me, OH SH-- The explosion made me tumble forward. I slowly got up, with sand on my face. I looked over to my wrist, noticing the thick silver bracelet was chipped and cracked.

I looked at Tesra, "Do it again!" I shouted.

"Are you..." this seemed to anger him even more, "Are you making fun of me!?"

"Say," Nnoitra finally spoke, "If you aren't going to fire at her again, I might do it." Tesra seemed to give Nnoitra the privilege to blast me out of existence. Nnoitra stuck his tongue out, revealing a 5 tattoo on it. My eyebrows furrowed, "I wonder how that felt," I muttered. A yellow light formed at the tip of his tongue.

That's an odd place to fire a Cero.

The yellow beam came my way. Huge and overwhelming. I shielded myself with my arm, closing my eyes. A moment later, I opened my eyes, seeing the bracelet sucking in the yellow coloured Cero. Everything was silent for a moment. Before the silver bracelet shattered into pieces. I moved my wrist, feeling oddly refreshed.

The thing compressed my Reiatsu. That's why I needed more time to recover. And why I was always tired.

"How are you still alive?" Nnoitra asked, looking confused. Tesra gawked at me, unable to believe I survived the blast. I got onto my feet, shrugging. I stretched my arms, "I finally got that thing off!" I announced happily, "That thing was heavy on my wrist," I bent back a little, hearing my spine cracking. I slant forward, moaning silently in relieve, "You have no idea how tired that thing made me."

I walked closer to the two, "Don't get me wrong, that Cero would have killed me," I beamed at the two, "I had a little thing from Aizen that prevented that Cero," I looked at my wrist, "But after getting hit by two, the thing broke," I pouted, rubbing my wrist, "I feel better at least."

The two looked at me with a threatening aura coming from them, "Uh..." I shrank back from the two. "Don't talk to us like we're a damn joke!" they shouted and getting ready to fire another Cero. I panicked, "W-Wait! You're going to kill me!" I saw yellow and red lights forming from the two. I jumped up, lifting myself off the ground. I watched the Ceros fired into the distance.

I let out a breath of relief, wiping my forehead.

I looked down to the two on the ground, "I just poked the two of you a little," I crossed my arms, "Jeez, you two do remind me of my siblings." The two looked at me. Nnoitra's eye went under my skirt, he smirked. While Tesra immediately looked away. I struck Nnoitra by planting both of my feet on his head.

I settled back on the sand, propping my hands on my hip. "You made me bite my tongue, you little brat," Nnoitra snapped his head over to me. I stuck my tongue out, "That's what you get for looking under someone's skirt!" I crossed my arms.

"Address Master Nnoitra with more respect, prisoner!" Tesra snapped.

"I didn't ask to be here, so I'm going to complain all I want and be rude to anyone I want," I looked over to Tesra, "And he's no different!"

Tesra pointed his Zanpakuto at me, "Apologize!"

"In your dreams!"

He looked like he was ready to pounce at me. His brown eye burned with anger. Nnoitra placed his hand in front of him, "You're letting this human get the best of you?" Nnoitra asked. Tesra froze, "My apologies, Master!" he placed his Zanpakuto down. Nnoitra looked over to me, "You're an annoying little shit."

I shrugged, "Too bad, you're stuck with me!"

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