The warmth of this place [25]

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Shinji had a hand over his bleeding nose. I placed my hand over his hand, slowly bringing it away from his nose. I placed my other hand over his nose, "What are you--?" Her words were cut short by the shock of seeing my palm glowed magenta.

After a few seconds, I put my hand away to take out a tissue and wiped away the blood on him. I turned to the feisty blond, "I'm sorry I dragged you. I didn't want anyone to see it," I muttered. Shinji sniffed, "It's like it didn't happen," he muttered. The feisty blond eyed me, "What are you?"

"Just a transfer student," I scratched the back of my head, "I do have a little power but comparing it to others, its just child play," I shrugged.

"Manipulating time isn't really child's play," Shinji placed both of his hands on my shoulders, "Yer belittling yourself," he squeezed my shoulders gently. "Ya have a really powerful ability, you should acknowledge that," he muttered.

"Ah..." I scratched my cheek with my index finger, unsure how to respond to his words, "Its nothing big," I laughed nervously, rubbing my arm.

The feisty blond cleared her throat, "What are you doing here anyway?" She gestured to me, "Who are you even?" From the tone of her voice, I didn't think she liked me very much.

"I'm Neddy," I introduced, "Just a transfer student lucky enough to get abilities."

"Sarugaki Hiyori," she introduced, "You see the baldy behind you? I boss him around," she stated a devious smirk on her lips. "You're pretty arrogant not telling me your surname," she muttered, crossing her arms.

"Uhm..." how was I going to explain it? I came from a country where they don't even use last names or family names. It was rather the name of the father at the end of a name. I couldn't use my middle name, because it was my middle name. "I don't really quite have a surname..." I laughed nervously, "You see, I came from a country that doesn't really use surnames..."

"Ya don't have a surname?" Shinji asked. I turned to him, seeing him smirking, "I can lend ya mine."

My face immediately turned red. "Move aside," Hiyori ordered, taking off her yellow slipper. I was about to move but Shinji gripped his hands on my shoulder, stopping me. Hiyori noticed this, but it didn't stop her. "The height difference between the two of you..." she kicked him square in the face, I felt a strong wind above me as she lands the blow, "isn't going to shield you from me, baldy!"

Shinji didn't let go of me. So he took me down with him. I squeaked when we collapsed to the ground. I quickly got onto my feet, "Don't heal him," Hiyori walked over to us, "Don't even help him up," she kicked debris to Shinji, she shot me a fierce look. "Y-Yes, ma'am!" I straighten my posture, taking a step away from Shinji.

I looked at the two of them, "Please correct me if I'm wrong but..." I scratched the back of my head, "You two seem like a couple," I muttered, a bit softer than I intended. I ducked my head, bringing my eyes to Hiyori. She had a scary aura over her, Oh god-- 

"A couple?" a vein on her forehead twitched, she looked over to me. "A couple?! As if I want to be with that dumbass!" Shinji shouted, pointing to Hiyori. I waved both of my hands at Hiyori, "I-I mean its okay! You don't have to correct me!" I was sweating. "Oh, no. I want to correct you," her hand reached for her Zanpakuto on her back.

"It was nice chatting with ya, Ned," Shinji quickly hoisted Hiyori up by his shoulders. The feisty blond shouted several words of protest, "But we have places to be. I'll see ya tomorrow," and there he went. I watched them disappear, screaming at each other. I bit my nails, "Uish, I don't think I should ever say that again," I muttered to myself.

I adjusted the straps of my bag on my shoulder before I walked down the streets. The sky turned dark in a minute and the only thing lighting my way was the street lights. The wind blew softly, making me struggle with my hair. I took out the hairpin from my collar, pinning aside a strand of hair. It was just a strand, so it didn't make a difference.

It was my luck, it started raining. It started light but it quickly became heavy. I cursed under my breath, taking shelter under a roof at the edge of a house. I was a shivering mess. It was so cold. I started missing the warm sun back in my home country. It would beam 24/7 regardless of day or night.

Though it still rains at night, it was usually midnight or early in the morning which was refreshing.

I looked up, seeing dark clouds covering the sky. Showing no signs of stopping. I debated with myself if I should run for it or wait patiently for the rain to stop. Seeing the number of puddles on the road, I couldn't run. Even though it was just droplets of rain, the wound on my calf burned miserably.

I sighed, wrapping my hands around myself as an attempt to warm up. I heard a familiar click-clack of sandals. I looked over to my left, seeing two figures. One taller than the other. "Neddy?" I sheepishly smiled at Kisuke, "What are you doing here?" he asked, approaching me.

I shrugged, "I don't have an umbrella so I'm stranded," I laughed, adjusting my glasses which the lens was covered with droplets of rainwater. "Come on, we'll stop at my shop to warm you up," he took off his black haori and placed it on my shoulders. He pulled me a little closer to him so I would be under the umbrella he was holding. "Thank you..." I muttered, holding on the edges of his haori ensuring it doesn't fall off my shoulders.

I was lucky to bump into Kisuke and Tessai instead of something else...

A Normal Transfer Student [Bleach Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now