Than I can control now. [53]

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"Uh..." I fiddled with my fingers, looking away from Nnoitra. "Well..." the memory of it was so vivid and clear in my mind. I shook my head, "I don't think I should tell you," I looked over to him, hoping he wouldn't ask.

Nnoitra seemed to understand as he kept quiet. "Tesra Lindocruz," he muttered, "That's his name." I grinned a little at his name, he's named after a goddamn car. I blinked, realizing I was feeling tired. I laid my back on the mattress, "I'm gonna take a short nap..." I closed my eyes, humming softly and immediately falling asleep.


I slowly opened my eyes, noticing the soft pillow on my head and a nice comfy blanket was on top of me. I rubbed my eyes, humming softly as I looked around. I blinked, "Oh, crap," I was still in Nnoitra's room. "How stupid of me," I furrowed my eyebrows. The room was dark like it one was ready to go to bed.

Noticing I was on a bed, I quickly looked to my side. Finding it empty, I placed my hand on it. I let out a breath of relief as it was cold. I looked to my other side, seeing my glasses were neatly placed on the small table. I placed my hand on my head, "How long was I out?" I mumbled, looking over to the bathroom door. The lights were on.

I blinked. A minute later, the door opened. Shower steam flowed into the room. Of all times I wanted to wake up, I had to wake up during that. Let's just say. Nnoitra out of the bathroom. Naked and wet. That's it. 

I froze, finding it hard to peel my eyes away from him. I looked further down, OH CRAP THATS-- I quickly looked away from it, shifting my gaze to his face. He was looking right at me through his wet black hair. I grabbed the blanket and covered it over me as I laid back down, silently cursing at my little action. 


His height wasn't the only thing that was long.

I slowly sat up, holding the blanket near my face. He laid down on the couch. I tilted my head to the side, "Why are you lying down there?" I asked. He looked over to me, "Because you're on the bed, dumbass," he answered. He was lying on the couch, his legs were sticking out from the couch. He struggled to find a comfortable position.

My dumbass felt bad for him.

I looked to my side, "I'm pretty small, there's plenty of room," I patted the side. His head perked up from the couch, "It's like you're inviting me to sleep next to you," the room was too dark for me to see his expression but I knew the little bastard was smirking. "Don't get the wrong message, you spoon," I looked away from him, "I'm feeling guilty for taking your damn bed."

He stood up from the couch. To my relief, he was wearing boxers. His slender figure went over to the side of the bed, reminding me of all the horror games I've seen. He settled on the bed, a little further from me. I passed him the blanket, "The uniform is hot, don't worry about me." I laid back onto the bed, turning myself away from him.

"Why don't you take it off then?" he asked. I deadpanned for a moment, "Screw you, that's why," I huffed, tucking my hands under my head. "It's only fair," he said as I felt weight shifting on the bed.  "You've seen me naked," I turned my head to look at him, "And unfortunately, I've seen you naked. We're even," I turned my head away from him, "Now, shut up and sleep."

We were silent. I started shifting. When I said the uniform was hot, it was hot. Even with the blanket off me, I was sweating right under it. It was so hot, to the point I even considered taking off the cursed thing. I played with the zip for a moment.

Screw it.

I sat up for a moment, unzipping the uniform and placed it aside. Following with the skirt. I looked at myself. At least I was wearing a camisole. I let out a long sigh, feeling a little bit better. "Take off the other layer," I heard Nnoitra mumbled. I looked over to him, shaking my head, "I'll be too cold," I laid back down.

I felt a hand going up my side. I quickly hit it, "I gave you the bed to sleep not you touch me." I looked over to him, "Turn over now before I kick you off," I waited for him to face away from him. I turned my back away from him. I closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

I ended up tossing and turning on the bed. I looked over to Nnoitra, who was staying still. "I can't sleep," I mumbled, almost irritated at myself. I grabbed the pillow under my head and placed it on my face. Almost trying to suffocate me to sleep. I threw the pillow onto the mattress. 

I placed my hands on my face, groaning. I looked over to Nnoitra, who was now looking at me. "What?" I snarled at him. "You move too much," he said, "It's hard to sleep when the bed keeps creaking." He kept quiet for a moment, "C'mere."

I gave him a look, "No," I answered. Nnoitra groaned, "Just c'mere or I'll knock your damn lights out." I crossed my arms, "I prefer you knocking my lights out." He blinked at me for a moment. Before reaching for his large Zanpakuto on the wall. "Woah Woah, okay okay," I placed a hand out, gesturing him to stop, "I'll go over there..."

I rolled to him. He wrapped his arms around my torso and placed his chin on my head. "Are you..." I paused, blinking, "Are you spooning me?" "You talk too much," he mumbled, "I heard humans do this." I tucked my hands under my head, "Not according to my culture," I cringed at the feeling of my back against his chest, "I don't like this."

"I don't like this either," he mumbled, "Just shut up and sleep," he ordered, "Before I grab my Zanpakuto." "Fine fine!" I huffed, closing my eyes.

And I fell asleep rather quickly.

A Normal Transfer Student [Bleach Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now