You'll never know how I feel. [66]

667 20 9

Oh, shoot.

His Reiatsu shot through the roof. Yellow beam flowed out from his blade. I stood there, frozen, unsure on what I was supposed to do. I blinked, seeing his whole form was changed. He grew extra limbs and his weapons which was a scythe-like weapon were present on each arm. He had six arms.

Six goddamn arms.

He had a pair of horns which shaped like a crescent moon. The only thing I liked about his form was his hair was longer. And that was attractive as hell apparently. I launched myself into the air. He had no injury at all while I was covered with cuts and bruises from the beginning of the fight.

I tried recalling how he died, that should at least help me a little. Cut down his chest. He was practically split in half. I cringed at the gory memory but that gave me an idea of how I should kill him. It seemed impossible without a weapon like a katana or a sword. I was pretty much unarmed.

He threw one of his scythes at me. I managed to move aside and caught it. Surprised by its weight, I nearly fell to the ground. My eyes sparkled for a moment. It sounded cruel but I could kill him using his blade. I took a deep breath, readying myself to charge at him. Despite having zero experience in fighting someone.

The training sessions were mostly Chad sending me to Renji and I just throw him to the roof.

My Reiatsu spiked up as much as I can. I charged myself at him, weapon raised, aiming for his chest. He saw it coming and blocked it. I pushed myself back, making sure there was a distance between the two of us. Where the hell is Orihime? I looked around, I can't handle this Espada.

A yellow beam was shot towards me, Cero. I couldn't dodge, it was too wide. I've done it before but it was risky. I directed the gravity so it split the Cero into two directions, leaving me untouched. 

My hands shook from the amount of Reiatsu I was pushing away. As the Cero came to an end, I noticed my feet were on the ground. The curved part of the blade dug into my right shoulder.

He kicked me off his blade, the sharp object cut through my shoulder. I kneeled on the ground, a hand on the wound. I nearly pass out from the amount of blood I was seeing. I couldn't move my good hand any more. 

I took the weapon into my left. I charged at him again, this time with a little push. He blocked it again, "You're pathetic thinking you could get my blade to touch me," he taunted.

"You're pathetic to think I can't."

Controlling gravity is a fun thing, I managed to make my right-hand move and gripped on his weapon. Then, I pushed myself up, throwing myself over him. My necklace came out from under my uniform, revealing the oversized bracelet he gave me earlier. I placed my blade at the back of his shoulder, running down his back. It didn't cut him. There were only sparks from the contact.

I took a step back, shoot I reduced my Reiatsu. He stood still, frozen in fact. "You kept that thing," he murmured, his back still facing me. My fingers fiddled with the silver bracelet, "Yeah, 'cause you gave it to me," I replied, "I thought it was nice of you to do that. Giving me something you wear every day," I got a little quiet, "I intend to do the same, wearing this thing every day."

I noticed my heart skipped a beat. I stared at his long straight black hair. "You're only a distraction," he turned to me and immediately charged at me, "I will get rid of you." I managed to block his attack, but I was pushed back, nearly losing my balance. 

"Why do you want to get rid of me so bad?" A dumb question to ask that my dumbass decided to ask, "Why am I distracting you? I-I don't get it..."

I pushed myself back, giving the two of us distance. "I'm only some small human girl Lord Aizen fetch because he was planning to use me once and once only," I said, "Why do you feel so strongly on getting rid of me?" He threw another weapon at me.

"Because you piss me off."

I caught the other blade. I didn't think dual-wielding was gonna give me an advantage around the dual-wielding Espada but his weapon was multiplied by 3. I left the weapon aside, floating in mid-air. I assaulted him from above, raising my Reiatsu as high as I could. He blocked it, but the edge grazed his back, causing a small cut.

The amount of Reiatsu I was giving out was exhausting but it managed to hurt him a little.

He pushed me away and took a few steps back. One of his hand reached to his back, blood was on his fingertips, "Tch, you cut me." I nearly apologize even though it was good news for me. "Yup," I answered sheepishly, "I did." "You're damn proud of that?" He snarled, rushing towards me, "I'll show you."

I staggered back before pushing myself up. But he was quick to grab my ankle. I was yanked down and my back against the sand. Two hands pinned my shoulder down while the other four limbs were in the air with the blade shinning off the light. I squirmed under him as I tried to catch my breath.

Oh wow, he got abs-- 

I looked at him with pleading eyes. And it worked. He froze, staring at me. This gave me an opportunity to slip out of his grip. I stood on my feet, taking a few steps away from him. I stared at him, "You..." my hand gripped on my arm, "You hesitated," I spoke, "Why?"

The tension was present between the two of us. We both stood in silence. I stared at him as he stared back at me. Emotions filled inside me, something I couldn't describe.

"I'll make sure I won't do that twice."

A Normal Transfer Student [Bleach Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now