To choke it with a dead knot [65]

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I smiled, looking into Orihime's brown eyes. She smiled at me warmly. I froze, feeling something ahead of us. I shoved her to the side, hearing her yelp in alarm, "Sorry--," I was picked up by my collar. I blinked, "Oh, oversized spoon." "Don't call me that," Nnoitra snarled, "You distract me."

"Oh?" I tilted my head to my side, "Is that really my fault?"

He threw me to the side. "Neddy-Chan!" Orihime yelped. I sat up, wiping the sand off my face. I got on my knees. "Tch," he came closer to me, his oversized weapon in hand, "I'll get rid of you," His weapon raised. "Neddy-Chan!" Orihime shrieked. I boasted myself forward to her direction, "Orihime, duck," I said.

I tackled someone to the ground. I recognize the dirty blonde hair. I looked up, seeing orange, "Run!" I shouted at her, "Get help! I'll distract them!" "But Neddy-Chan--." "Just go!" I snapped at her, a little harsher than I intended. I watched the orange-coloured hair became blurry before she disappeared from my vision.

I looked down, seeing I was seated on Tesra's chest. The fabric of my skirt blocked his eye. His hand frailed around, pushing on my face. The back of my head was grabbed, and I was thrown to the side again. But this time, my side hit a pillar. The pillar cracked at the impact. Air pushed out of my lungs.

"Tesra!" Nnoitra shouted, "Don't chase after the girl," he paused, "And don't interrupt me."

"Yes, Master Nnoitra."

I fell onto my fours. Blood dripped from my forehead to the white sand below. I looked up, touch him. I narrowed my eyes, that sounded weird but I just need to tap him a little then I'll do good. I got onto my feet, stumbling to the side a little, for now, I'll just float and dodge. I dodged to the side as I saw his weapon swinging up.

"You piss me off," he commented.

"Oh yeah?" I said, "I don't remember asking you."

"You little--." I jumped up, pushing myself up to float. I squinted my eyes, trying to see if I was above his height. I looked around, trying to find the figure. Hell, I'm blind without glasses. "Get down here, you little brat!" he shouted. I turned my head and moved away from him, shaking my head, "No thanks."

He grabbed my foot. "Oh, he--," I was thrown again. This time right into the sand. I got onto my fours and quickly rolled to the side. He stabbed his weapon into the sand, both of the curves sank into the sand, entrapping me in the centre of the weapon. The blade a few inches from my neck.

"You're a pest," he muttered, pushing his weapon even closer to me. I yelped and quickly pushed myself back, getting onto my feet. I took a few steps back, "If you wanna kill me, at least don't tease me about it," I said, letting myself float again.

He let out a dark chuckle, "Teasing is the fun part." I continued floating up, refusing to get near him. I didn't even have a weapon. I only had a dumb gun that probably wasn't going to work. The bracelet clicked and it snapped into a gun. I sighed, "Yes, yes, I am battling someone but I can't see," I took aim, sighing, "I can't see but here it goes."

I squinted my eyes before pulling the trigger. I couldn't tell if it had hit or not. "That's the best you can do?" He scoffed, "And I thought you were a challenge." I clicked my tongue, annoyed by his little taunt, "Pass me your oversized weapon and I'll show you a challenge, dimwit."

"You're gonna stay up there, huh? As much as I like looking at your red lacy undies..." he commented which made me cover my legs with the skirt, "I'll drag you down here!" The weapon reflected the sunlight which gave me an indication of how close it was. I jumped, just as the tip of my foot brushed against the blade.

I let out a breath of relief, "You're gonna have to try better than that!" I stuck my tongue out at him. He had the advantage, but I was dumbass who wanted to piss him off. Something caught my leg. And I knew I was about to eat my words. I yelped as I got yanked to the ground and kicked right in the gut.

My hands touched his leg for a brief moment before I was sent to a nearby pillar.

I could hear my back screaming. I peeled myself off the pillar, noticing small droplets of blood forming on small scratches and cuts on my arms. The droplets coloured the sand red. I was distracted by it for a moment before his strong Reiatsu snapped me out of my daze. I moved away but his blade left a cut on my cheek.

Reiatsu was one's will to kill. I was surprised by how passionate he felt when he wanted to kill me.

I ignored the pain and the blood trickling down my face. I pushed him aside, sending him flying somewhere. Distract. I was only there to distract him. "So floating isn't the only thing you can do," he said as he flung his weapon towards me. Despite the chains wrapped around his hip, the thing could go a distance.

I moved to the side again, squinting my eyes as I dodged, "Do you always talk this much during a fight?" I huffed, wiping the side of my face. I started running and pushed myself up. I threw him to the side again.

"That kind of trick is only going to work once!"

The chain from his weapon wrapped around my side and pulled me with him. My hand went to the chain and I managed to pull myself away before crash landing into him. I flung his weapon up, which could end badly but I couldn't think much amidst the chaos. I landed on the ground seeing he wasn't responding from my attack. Nnoitra didn't even come up with a taunt.

"I'll end this quickly," I heard him growled, "Pray, Santa Teresa."

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