I gave it all to you, left me exhausted [59]

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I was pulled by my collar, "You little--," Szayel paused. He sighed and let go of my collar. "You'll have to spend the whole day without your glasses," he muttered. I heard his footsteps slowly fade. I stared at the door, everything was a blur. I got off the couch, walking to the door.

If I couldn't see clearly at all, I couldn't read books. And that was why I left the room.

I could still see the hallway but everything blurry. Even worse than I had before. I pushed the door to the outside open. If I was out in the open, nothing could go wrong, right? I looked around, seeing the colour blue and yellow as usual.

I stood still for a second, resting my hand on a boulder. I squinted my eyes, trying to see what was in the distance. I felt heavy Reiatsu beside me. "Huh," I looked to my side, seeing red coming right at me, "Oh."

It was too late to even dodge the thing.

I blinked. I was in someone's arms, bridal style. I heard the sound of blasting followed by the sound of tumbling rocks. "Why aren't you wearing your glasses?" A finger pushed onto my forehead, causing my head to jerk back a little. 

I squinted my eyes, recognizing the small jingle of bracelets, "Oh, Nnoitra!" I placed my hands on what felt like his shoulders and brought myself a little closer to his face, "Szayel injected something inside me last night which recovered my vision for a moment. But then the aftermath is me losing my sight completely," I patted his shoulder, "So, my glasses are useless for now."

I pat the side of his face gently, "You saved me," I smiled at him, "Thank you." He immediately dropped me, making me land on my bottom on the sand. He cleared his throat, "Don't get me wrong," he muttered, "I only did that so I wouldn't get in trouble with Aizen," I got onto my feet, brushing sand off my skirt, "Otherwise, I would've gladly let you die."

"Eh? Such mean words," I pouted, crossing my arm, "You care about me don't you?" I gave him a cheeky smile. I couldn't see his expression so it wasn't as fun as before. Someone tugged on the back of my collar, causing me to fall back. I felt a cold blade rest on my neck, "You better give more respect to Master Nnoitra!" Tesra said as he pinned me on the ground.

"Hey, calm down, Tesra," my hand went to his wrist, "Is that a way to treat someone blind?" I asked him, trying to push away his wrist. He pressed his blade deeper but not enough to cut me, "It's a way to treat someone disrespectful." My breath hitched, feeling the cold blade pressed against my neck.

"Tesra," Nnoitra sighed, "Let her go." 

"But Master Nnoitra--."

"I said let her go."

Tesra went silent and slowly removed the blade from my neck. But I felt a cut. I jolted a little, feeling something trickle down my neck. He got off me, kicking some sand onto my outfit. I sat up, rubbing the side of my neck. Only to notice I was bleeding a little. "You cut me," I muttered, squinting my eyes as I brought my hand closer to my face. I saw a faint of red on my fingers, "That wasn't nice, Tesra."

"You deserved it, you scum," Tesra commented. 

I got onto my feet, "Give me a break. I can't see anything today," I muttered, wiping my hand on my skirt, seeing faint red on the white material. It wasn't white anymore, it was yellowed with the sand Tesra kicked on my earlier. I lifted my skirt up a little, taking a good look at the fabric, "Its dirty," I muttered, letting go of the skirt, "I need to change but I feel like changing would be difficult."

"You're covered in sand," Nnoitra said. I brought a hand to my face and wiped, feeling my skin that was rough and covered in dirt. I rubbed my neck. The trickling sensation irritated me. I brought my hands together to wipe the sand off. "You looked like you murdered someone," Tesra commented. I perked my head up, "I'm sorry, I can't see how I look like," I looked at my hands, seeing it covered with red, "Oh."

"You got a mess on your neck," Nnoitra pointed out. I sighed, "I can feel it," I placed my finger on my neck, feeling the whole surface was wet. "I'll just head back--," someone grabbed my wrist, dragging me somewhere. I looked up and squinted my eyes, "Where are you taking me?"

"To get you cleaned, dumbass," Nnoitra muttered, "You can't walk around looking like that."

"And since when you started caring, huh?" I taunted.

"You better shut your damn mouth before I make you shut it."

I blinked at him. "What does that--," remembering the bathroom incident, I closed my mouth. Fingers in my mouth? Yeah, no thank you, I had enough of that. I looked behind, seeing a dirty blonde following us. "Tesra," I called out, "What's on your mind, buddy?"

"You're not good at following instructions," he mumbled, "Master Nnoitra asked you to keep quiet," he paused, "And you should." 

I pouted, looking away from him, "You guys are no fun."

"You're telling me..." I paused, shaking my head, "Tesra is gonna join me while I'm showering?!" I laughed nervously, "No, I won't allow that to happen," I looked over to Tesra, "You don't want that too, right?"

"You can't see. You'll need help cleaning," Nnoitra said, "You don't want me in there, so Tesra's gonna do it." Tesra mumbled, sounding embarrassed, "I've never seen a girl naked before." Nnoitra laughed, "You'll like it, believe me."

"Tesra, do you want to see me naked?" I asked, feeling my cheeks burn up.




"That's it! That's all he has to say!" I said, making my way to the bathroom door, "If he ain't doing it, I'm gonna shower alone!" I grabbed the doorknob, "As I should!" I opened the door and slammed it closed as I released a breath of relief. "Showering with someone," I scoffed, "I'll never do that no matter who it is," I walked over to the sink.

The mirror was too high, I sighed, "Nnoitra!"

A Normal Transfer Student [Bleach Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now