And one tried to split my skull [37]

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My nose was treated. I had a cotton strip taped to my nose. My dress, on the other hand, was ruined. I don't think the bloodstain was going to come out if I washed it. I've met the Visored and learned each of their names.

Silver hair's name was Muguruma Kensei. The short-haired blond was Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō. Everyone referred to him as Rose. The black-haired woman was Yadōmaru Lisa. The green-haired young woman was Kuna Mashiro. Large pink hair guy was Ushoda Hachigen. Lastly, a really tall dude was Aikawa Love. Pretty cute name.

I was sitting beside Shinji, leaning against a rock. Each of them took turns fighting each other. Ichigo arrived soon after me. And as soon as he saw my broken nose, he already knew I met Hiyori. I leaned my head on Shinji's shoulder as I watched them having a 1-on-1.

"But Kensei!" I heard Mashiro's voice, high pitched and whining, "I wanna have a battle with her! It's not fair!" She continued. I looked over to my side seeing a very annoyed Kensei. "She doesn't even have a weapon! Duelling her would be unfair!" Even though they were a few steps away, I could see a vein throbbing on Kensei's forehead.

"But she has that gravity thingy and she can control time!!" Mashiro pouted. "Those are pretty powerful! I wanna fight her!" She whined louder. Kensei looked like he had enough and he could burst at any moment. Noticing the sudden wave of strong Reiatsu, my gun snapped into shape with an audible click.

Shinji looked over to my hand, "Is that a gun?" He asked. I looked over to my weapon, crap. I quickly twisted the flower and it was back into a regular bracelet, "Its nothing!" I squeaked. The Reiatsu around us didn't calm down. So the bracelet was back into a gun. Curse Kisuke and his Reiatsu sensitive inventions!

"It is a gun," Shinji took my hand into his lap and fiddled with the weapon. "It turns into a bracelet, huh? That's cute," he took the weapon from my hand. He threw it up in the air carelessly. "How does this thing work?" He fiddled with the black flower on the side of the gun.

"It collects Reishi and shoots," I muttered, "Y'know like a regular gun." He inspected the thing, seemingly fascinated with it. Someone grabbed the weapon out of his hand, "Look, Kensei! Look! She does have a weapon!" Mashiro lifted the gun above her head. Bloody hell! I was sweating.

Even though the girl was my height, I do not want to mess with one of the Visored.

"Um..." I weakly spoke, looking at the energetic girl. Kensei snapped his head at our direction, "Give that back to her! You have no rights to battle her! Your strength might kill her!" He shouted. Mashiro pouted, "It's not fair!" She crossed her arms, "I wanna fight her!" She started throwing a tantrum. Like a literal 5-year-old, as she repeatedly whined "No fair!"

I got onto my feet, "Kuna-San," I placed a hand on her shoulder. "If you want to battle me, sure," I said. And she immediately jumped with joy. Shinji grabbed my hand, "What are you doing?" He narrowed his eyes at me, "She may look small but she can kick you even worse than Hiyori."

"I'll be fine," I muttered, "If I do get beat up pretty bad, take me home, will you?" I squeezed Shinji's hand before letting it go. Before he could say anything, Mashiro grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me elsewhere. "Mashiro, what are you doing with her?!" Kensei asked. "She said yes!" Mashiro beamed.

She handed me my gun. She took a few steps from me. In a blink of an eye, she had a mask on and her foot was right above my head. She's splitting my skull into two. She landed the blow on me. And I clung onto her leg.

Once the dust cleared, I saw her mask. Her mask looked like a bee or hornet with large eyes that were pitch black and two antennas sticking out at the top. I placed my weight on her foot. She shook her leg trying to get me off. I gently patted her leg before letting go. With a move of a hand, she was flying to a rock.

I quickly got onto my feet and pushed her right into the ground. She struggled to get up. She couldn't even get up. She patted her hand on the ground. "I surrender! I can't breathe--," I quickly released her and helped her up. Her Hollow mask vanished.

"Sorry for playing dirty," I dusted her outfit, "Its the only way I could win against someone as powerful as you." She was catching her breath. She bends down, placing her hand on my shoulder and another on her hips. "I...was not...expecting...that," she huffed, patting my shoulders. She looked at me, "Let's do it again! This time, I'll be expecting it!"

"That's enough from you, Mashiro," Kensei grabbed the back of her collar. "Sorry for her behaviour. She's always like this," he explained. "No, no. It's okay!" I waved both of my hands, smiling at the pair. "But I wanna fight her again!" She whined, kicking and thrashing around in Kensei's grip. "You've had your battle and that's enough!" Kensei dragged her away.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, "For a moment there, I thought she was about to split your skull into two," I looked behind me, seeing Shinji looking at the pair. "Honestly," I turned around to face him, "Even I thought so too!" I laughed, scratching the back of my head. I took off my glasses. As soon as I touched the frame, the lens cracked and fell apart.

I looked at the shattered glass on the ground, "Aww! I had these since I was 14!" I pouted, looking at the cracked frame. "It took quite a pounding," Shinji said, "But you can fix it, right?"

"Yeah," I replied, "Yeah, I can."

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