And now red hair beats me to a pulp. [15]

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The sound echoed through the walls. Everyone was silent. Ichigo and the brunette looked in my direction. I looked at the rock. It was in pieces. My eyes widened. "Uhm, well," Kisuke cleared his throat, "You'll need to reduce the amount of Reiatsu you channelled."

"S-Sorry," I muttered, putting the gun down.

I looked over at Renji. He didn't look amused or worried. He looked over at me, raising his eyebrows. I cringed, feeling like I was bugging him. "Well, let's get started," he sighed. He came out of his Gigai— which he had explained to me a few days ago. It's like a temporary body since Shinigami's were similar to spirits— he took out his Zanpakuto, "Roar, Zabimaru."

"Wait, you're releasing your Shikai?!" I asked, clearly panicked. His Zanpakuto was no longer a straight silver blade. Instead, it had columns that could extend. He looked over at me and immediately run in my direction.

Naturally, my leg sprang into action. I was running away from the red hair. "Don't face your back to the enemy!" he shouted. At the same time, his Zanpakuto dug into the ground beside me, causing me to squeak in distress.

"Go easy on her!" Kisuke shouted from the distance.

From the looks of it, I didn't think Abarai-Kun was going to.

I turned my head alongside my hands. I aimed it at him and pulled the trigger. To my horror, he easily blocked it. "Tch, what kind of shot was that?!" at this point, I was going to cry. I was being chased and being stressed out. Yeah, that was definitely a tear-jerker. "Shoot me like you're going to kill me!" he shouted as his Zanpakuto dug into the dirt on my other side.

I looked at him again. Shooting him another bullet. Again, he blocked it. "Cis, dia ni nak bunuh eh?" He wants me to kill? I muttered in my mother language, "Kalau macam tu, I pun boleh bunuh." If it's like that, I too can kill. I turned to him, aiming at him. With full intent of blowing his leg off, I pulled the trigger.

It sent a blue flaming bullet to him. He cheered, "Like that! Keep it coming!" My grip on the gun tightened. I missed a few times. But the bullets were flaming blue. My breathing got heavy. Unsure if I was frustrated or straight-up mad at him. Either way, I was planning to blast him out of existence.

His Zanpakuto dug right below my leg, sending me tumbling down. I rolled a few miles away from him. I stayed still for a moment. I furrowed my eyebrows, this isn't my usual self. I'm not supposed to feel rage whilst fighting him. He walked over to me, kicking dust at me, "Oi!" he shouted, kicking my side gently, "That was just a warm-up. Get up!"

I looked over at his foot. I quickly grabbed it and yanked it. I got to my feet, pointing my gun right at him. I pressed my foot on his chest as he staggered to the ground. He looked at me with shock. My breathing was heavy, my chest moved up and down. "H-Hey, calm down," Renji lifted his arms.

I blinked, immediately snapping out of it. "Oh, dear! I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't know what came over me!" I helped him up, dusting debris off his uniform. I shook my head, "I'm sorry, I don't usually act like this," I took a step away from him, feeling like a monster. I was raised to never pounce on anyone. Hell, I don't even know how to pounce on someone.

But seeing myself suddenly turn cold scared me.

Renji placed an arm on my shoulder, "I should be apologizing 'cause I kinda pushed you a little too far..." he scratched the back of his neck. I shook my head, "You were doing what you were supposed to do."

I covered my face, "I'm not used to hurting people like this," even though I think about it a dozen times in the past, didn't mean I actually planned on doing it.

Kisuke went up to us, "I saw what happened," he muttered.

I looked over at him, "I think I'm just distressed," I answered, furrowing my eyebrows. I wasn't sure what I was feeling. I was trying to figure out how I reacted that way.

Renji patted my shoulder, "Wanna go for another round?" he asked.

"I don't think she can," Kisuke informed, "She's bleeding."

I looked over to my calf, seeing the white bandage stained crimson red. "I might have pushed myself too far," I scratched my head, kicking the debris on the ground. I looked at the gun in my hand, "I can't just carry a gun like this. I might get arrested," I muttered.

"Flip the gun. You'll see a black flower on the side," Kisuke pointed out.

I flipped the gun, seeing a flower on the gun. It had seven petals, and the colour matched the gun. It didn't look bulky on the gun. Instead, it gave the gun a nice elegant touch. I smiled, "I definitely want to kill someone with this," I muttered out loud.

Renji laughed, "You will someday," he patted my shoulder.

"Twist the flower, that should do it," I did what Kisuke said.

With a snap, the thing became a bracelet around my wrist. The flower remained unchanged. I turned my wrist, taking a good look at my new all-black bracelet, "I prefer pink. But I think it's cute," I beamed at Kisuke, "Thanks!"

Renji raised his brow at the bracelet, "Why do you have that lying around?" he looked over to Kisuke, who was now grinning. Seemingly proud to see my reaction.

"It was originally for Kuchiki-San when she was in a Gigai. But she rejected it, so the thing has been lying around in the shop for quite a while," he fanned himself.

I extend my hand to the front, admiring the new accessory. "If you want it back into a gun, just twist it. Otherwise, it will detect the change in your Reiatsu and snap itself back in shape," Kisuke explained. I somewhat sparkled at the statement. I have to admit, I was a sucker for cool inventions.

"This is so cool!" I exclaimed, twisting the flower, and seeing it snap back into a gun.

"Oh, it's nothing," Kisuke fanned himself.

"Alright, that's enough. Before you start pouring compliments on him, let's head up and manage that leg of yours," Renji took my shoulders and guided me to the ladders.

A Normal Transfer Student [Bleach Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now