Ended up with me [45]

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My breath became shaky. My knuckles turned white from trying to peel his hand off my waist. His hand squeezed my thigh. I squeaked, moving my leg away. But his hand kept it in place. His hand went further up. "Don't," my voice was hushed and shaking.

I had no power to fight against the oversized spoon. I cursed at Aizen for putting a power dampening bracelet on my wrist. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" he whispered into my ear, a smirk pressed against my neck. His finger ran up my entrance, my breath hitched.

I closed my eyes shut, shouting in my heart, LET ME GO! PLEASE!

"Nnoitra, drop the girl," I heard a lazy voice. My eye shot open and I turned my neck to face the front. In front of me stood the first Espada I resurrected. The brunette with the fanged bottom jaw. "Tch," the oversized spoon answered, "I'm not done with her." The brunette sighed, "Just drop the poor girl," his blue-grey eyes moved up and down, "I need her." I felt flustered under his gaze.

A hand on my thigh and my skirt hitched up until the edge of my panties were visible, it was impossible not to feel embarrassed.

Nnoitra tossed me to the floor. I landed, sprawled right in front of the brunette's shoes. I looked up, seeing an offering hand. I took it and slowly got onto my feet. "Are you alright?" He asked. I smoothed down my skirt as I nodded, "Thank you," I muttered, looking into his eyes. He turned his heels without a word and started walking.

I followed right behind him, wondering why he needed me. I was glad he appeared out of nowhere and saved me. Though, I still distanced myself from him. I silently followed him, scanning his appearance as we walked. He had wavy dark brown hair that was unkempt as if he just woke up from a nap. A black sash on his hip with a Zanpakuto with a yellow carrier tucked in it. He was about 187 centimetres.

"Lillynette, I bought you a playdate," he announced as we walked into a room, "Go play with her or something," he fell into a small mountain of green cushions near a pillar, "Just let me rest." I noticed a young female Arrancar.

She had a helmet which consists of two horns, but the left horn was cut off. The helmet covered her left eye, a flame design was on it. She had pretty light pink eyes and short light green hair. She was shorter than me, 142 centimetres. She wore white-coloured briefs with a black line positioned in the middle, arm-warmers, a revealing vest with a high collar and thigh-high, fur-lined boots. Her Hollow hole was on her stomach.

She looked at me, "So, you're the new prisoner," she placed her hands on her hips, "Aizen-Sama didn't let the previous one walk around." I shrugged. Even I was asking the same question. She looked over to the brunette, who was already sound asleep, breathing softly. He looked comfortable and I had the urge to join him. The girl sighed, "He's sleeping again."

She turned to me, "At least I got you for company," she beamed, reminding me of a child, "What's your name?" She asked. "Neddy," I answered, "What about yours?" I smiled at the girl. "Lillynette Gingerback," she introduced, "And that lazy pile over there is Coyote Starrk," she pointed to the sleeping brunette. "Neddy's an odd name," Lillynette said, "What's your last name?" I started sweating a little, "Uh, I don't have one."

She stared at me in silence for a moment. "Alright then," she finally spoke, "So, what do you want to do?" I blinked at her for a second, "I should be asking you that," I said, "I only followed Starrk because I wanted to get away from the oversized spoon."

"Oversized spoon?" She paused for a while, "Oh, you mean Nnoitra Gilga?"

"The freakish tall one with an eyepatch," I said.

"Yup, that's him," she answered, "He disturbed you?"

I laughed nervously, "I wouldn't say disturbed... its an understatement since he uh-- touched me--."

"Oh, ya, he's a big perv. And also, don't go over to Szayellaporro's palace. It like nearby around here. He's a pink-haired freak."

Remembering the Espada with glasses, "Oh, I'll keep that in mind."

She looked over to Starrk, "I'm gonna wake him up," she grinned.

"Lillynette, I think we should let him rest..." I said as she approached the sleeping brunette.

"He slept the whole day," she turned to me, "Sleeping is the only thing he does!"

"Lillynette--," I watched the girl pounce on the man. "Wake up!" She shouted. Starrk answered with a tired groan as he moved his head to the side. I walked closer to the two, "Lillynette, we should leave him alone," I softly spoke, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Yes, please, Lillynette, listen to her," Starrk mumbled, his eyes still closed.

Her face twitched a little in anger. She bought her hand up, "Wake up!" She hit him in the stomach. His eyes flew open, "For crying out loud, Lillynette!" He looked over to the girl for a moment. Before his features relaxed and his head lulled to the side.

He fell asleep, instantly. I wished to have that kind of talent.

Lillynette wasn't going to give up. Her hands went under his sash. Starrk groaned, "O-Oi, that's my--!" His neck arched up. Giving a full view of his neck, and holy God, was that something. "Lillynette, stop that--," tears came out of his eyes, "She's watching us--." Lillynette looked over to me, "Oh, I don't want you to feel left out," her hand slowly came out but she was holding something. "Lillynette, put that b--." I looked over to what she was holding.

Oh dear god.

I shrieked a little, covering my face. "Wh-Why would you show me that?!" I saw it for a second and my mind already has it printed and saved. Lillynette giggled mischievously, "Didn't you like that?" She teased. To be honest, the size was-- "I don't wanna look at it like this!" My face heated up. I squatted down, still covering my face.

Comparing to the ones I've seen before, he wasn't so bad.

A Normal Transfer Student [Bleach Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now