Hats and Clogs gave me a gun [14]

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I patted the large figure's shoulder. "You are very kind," he sobbed, placing a hand on my shoulder. "O-Oh," I answered, "Thank you...?" I was unsure of what to say. Was he crying out of sadness or joy? "There. there. No need to cry, sir," I continued to pat his shoulder.

This caused him to cry harder. I froze, retranslating my sentence in my head, Did I say something hurtful? Oh, dear, my Japanese is all over the place today, ain't it? I continued comforting him without saying a word.

He was quick to recover. Immediately, he was sitting up straight and adjusting his square glasses as if nothing had happened. I blinked at him and looked to the front, seeing Kisuke standing by the door, "Oh, I see you've met Tessai," Kisuke sat down opposite of us. Kisuke looked over to the figure, "I can handle it from here," he smiled at him.

Tessai got up and left the room. I smiled at him before he closed the door. I turned my attention back to Kisuke. He placed something on the table, which clattered. "Eh?" I looked at the object again, noticing it wasn't something I would see up close, "Eh...!" I squeaked in alarm. I looked at the object, then back at Kisuke.

"You seem alarmed by it," he simply stated, looking at the object at the table.

"W-Well, guns weren't the norm in my country!" I kept my hands off the table, refusing to touch the dangerous thing.

He chuckled, "Oh, yes, you're an international student," a grin appeared on his lips, "What do you think of a handsome shopkeeper like me?" he placed his hand fan on his chin. Playfulness was shining in his grey eyes.

"Actually, those grey eyes of yours give you an alluring look. Your clothing really suits you! And I really like your sandals and hat. Plus, with your really cheery personality, I think you're pretty attractive," I paused, "Well, to me at least," I shrugged.

"Y'know, you shouldn't be saying that to him," a hand was on my shoulder. Renji settled on the cushion beside me, "He's a whole different breed, I can tell you that."

Kisuke hid his face behind his fan, "You certainly have ways to make a man like me all red and flustered."

I blinked at him, "But I was just being honest."

Renji was shaking his head, "Ned," he held my shoulders, "Don't."

"Why?" I turned to the red hair.

"He's a big old pervert, that's why."

"Oh," I paused, "That kinda gives him a playful personality."

Renji gave me a deadpan look, "Ned, listen here," he patted my shoulder, "Your optimistic take of his personality isn't going to get you anywhere."

"It got me here."

Renji sighed, patting my shoulder, "I'm not going to help you with this."

"Now, now, Abarai-San, she's just being honest," Kisuke fanned himself, "Nothing wrong with that," he muttered, snapping the fan shut. Renji's eyes went onto the object on the table. He arched an eyebrow. I placed my hand on the gun, picking it up gently. I blinked at the black handgun. It looked like a basic Hollywood prop.

I looked at Kisuke, "I have no idea how to use this," I muttered. He got up, "Follow me," I got up. Kisuke looked over to Abarai-Kun, "That includes you, Mr Freeloader." Renji got up groaning, "I'm not gonna train her too, am I?" he asked.

"Well, if it isn't you, who else?" Kisuke answered, beaming, hiding a smug smirk behind his fan.

"Don't expect me to be easy on you," Renji said, looking at me. That caused me to panic slightly. This man looked like he was going to beat me to a pulp.

"Don't be too rough on her, she's only a little lady," Kisuke did have a point. I was only a little lady. I don't have any experience in battle. Unless video games count, then that's a whole different story.

Kisuke opened a trapdoor. There was a ladder leading down. "Ladies first," Kisuke gestured for me to go in first. Seeing how deep it went gave me anxiety. I nodded, lowering myself to the ladder, and slowly went down. Praying that I wouldn't slip. If I slip, I didn't think I would survive the fall.

After several steps down, I appeared in a room. And it definitely didn't look like a dusty basement. It looked like a whole different place. I placed my feet safely on the ground and looked around. It was a rocky terrain, and it was spacious. The walls and ceiling were painted blue, like the sky. The place was dotted with dead trees. "This," Kisuke placed his hand on my shoulder, "is my Study Chamber."

I turned to him, "How was this build?" I furrowed my eyebrows, shifting my gaze back to the large room.

"I built it using Soul Society's technology," he answered.

"How long did it take you?"

"A single day and night." this answer made my eyes widen. The whole large room, build in a single day and night. It seemed impossible to me. But then I remind myself, almost everything you learned since coming here was impossible.

In the distance, I could see Ichigo in a Shihakusho alongside a brunette. They were having a spar with each other. Ichigo had an oversized kitchen knife, while the other had something going on with their hand. I looked at the gun in my hand. Let's hope Hollywood doesn't fail me.

"I'll give you a brief explanation about your weapon, then Abarai-San will be training you," Kisuke gave my shoulder a pat. From behind, he took my hand and corrected my posture. I made a quiet uncomfortable noise since I wasn't used to people being that close to me.

He backed off from me, "The gun isn't loaded with actual bullets," he explained, "Your Reiatsu is the bullets so you'll have to focus on it and channel it to the gun," I blinked for a moment. "Don't forget to pull the trigger," he added.

I took a deep breath, furrowing my eyebrows. My right hand held onto the gun as my left hand stabilized my grip. I aimed at a rock nearby, my eyes trained on it. I exhaled and pulled the trigger.

Shots fired. 

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