Being taken away to [46]

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Lillynette was still at it. Starrk groaned and begged for her to stop. And I wasn't feeling any better. His groans made it worse every time I hear it. By the time they were silent, I was a red mess. I slowly brought my hand down. Starrk was breathless and sweating. Lillynette had a dumb proud grin on her.

"I'm awake, what do you want?" Starrk asked Lillynette, looking tired and annoyed. "For you not to sleep all day!" Lillynette said, "Don't you have things to do?!" Lillynette started sounding like my mother. I used to nap all day like a cat.

Hell, it was one of the best memories I had.

"No, I don't," he sighed, "You're annoying, do you know that?" He muttered. His hand reached out to grab Lillynette. But she quickly dodged it by moving back. She stuck her tongue out, her hand going to my shoulder. "Lillyn--?!" She pushed me forward. I landed on Starrk stomach. "That trick won't work on me anymore, Starrk," she pulled her lower eyelid down, taunting him.

I quickly got off him. "You're warm," he muttered, pulling me back to him. He positioned me so I was laying on his chest, "Didn't expect people from the World of the Living to be so warm," he yawned, "Be my guard, will you?" He patted my head before drifting off to sleep. I blinked, trying to process what was going on.

I was cuddling with an Espada I just met.

I yawned, noticing I was starting to feel tired. It was comfy. I nuzzled my head into his chest and my eye lulled close. It was peaceful. The soft breathing of Starrk was calming. "Not you too!" Lillynette shouted suddenly. I felt a force on my back, "Wake up!" But I didn't even bother.

A pair of hands went to my sides. My eyes shot opened as I laughed loudly. Small fingers running against my sides quickly, tickling me. I was a ticklish, unfortunately. I laughed uncontrollably, "Lillynette, stop that!" I shouted, in between my laughs. Tears came down my eyes as I banged my foot against the cushion. The muscle on my abdomen started hurting.

She stopped tickling, "Get off him!" She pulled on my legs as an effort. Starrk wrapped his hands around my torso to keep me in place. "Fine! If you aren't getting off him, take this!" She started tickling me again. Oh god, when will it end? She said taunting words as she tickled me.

"Lillynette! Lillynette, please--." I banged on my hand on the cushion, "Lillynette, I can't breathe--," dying from laughter, I heard it was possible to die from laughing too hard because it can lead to suffocation. I laughed it off at first, but now, it felt like I was about to. Lillynette ignored my pleads and continued torturing me. My feet banged harder on the cushion, same goes with my hand as I struggled to regain oxygen.

At least, it was a good way to go.

Starrk flipped us over in a blink of an eye. My head on his shoulder and he rested atop of me with his chest against mine. I could finally breathe again. I patted Starrk's back as a thank you. "Aww, come on!" Lillynette whined, "I can't torture any of you like this!" She kicked the dust beside us, crossing her arms. Starrk seemed to ignore her.

He took off my glasses and placed it aside. He nuzzled into my neck. My face started heating up again. "You're getting warmer," he hummed, seemingly delighted by it. I felt like a heat pillow rather than a human being. My cheeks heated up even more. He hummed lazily, placing his head on my shoulder.

"Can you two stop holding each other?" Lillynette muttered, sounding irritated, "Its gross." I tried looking over to her, "It isn't my fault he--," Starrk placed a gloved hand over my mouth, hushing me, "Sleep," was all he said as he patted my cheek. I blinked for a moment, this man was trapping me because I was a warm pillow to him. My eye lulled close.

At least the hill of cushions was comfortable.


It was day 2 of being in the cursed place. 

I silently watched my clone walking around my apartment in my school uniform. Her hair styled a little differently. Instead of parting the hair, she cut up some bangs. I cringed a little at the new look. It reminded me of myself in 5th grade. 

Bangs and my features did not match.

Renji came out of his room, shirtless with his hair down. I've seen him like that a bunch of times. But it still wondered me endlessly. The tribal tattoos running along with his lines. He looked over to my clone funny, "You cut your hair?" he asked.

The clone smiled, "Nice, isn't it?" she stroked her hair, "I just wanted to try something new." She turned to grab my bag on the chair, "My hairstyle was pretty boring and bland," she smiled. "Tch, you're the boring and bland one here," I muttered, "There's no flavouring to your accent or fashion."

Renji furrowed his eyebrows, "I thought you wanted to grow it out?" he asked. My head perked up, YES YES NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE. SHE ISN'T ME! 

She laughed, "Well, sometimes minds change, Renji." 

He cringed back, "That's the first time you calling me by my first name," he mumbled.

Wow, didn't Aizen at least trained her to be me? She wasn't even trying to act like me. She was changing a lot of things.

She looked panicked for a moment, "S-Sorry! If you don't like I-I can call you Abarai-Kun again..."

Okay, hell, that sounded like something I would say.

Renji shook his head, "No, it's alright. About time you did, I'm just trying to get used to it."

She looked at her wristwatch, "Oh, I have to head over to school now," she walked to the door, "I'll see you soon, Abarai-Kun." she closed the door behind her. She smiled a little, "Lord Aizen is making you watch me, right?" she murmured to herself, smirking, "So, how's my acting?" she started walking down the stairs.

"Bland, horrible. Where's my Malay accent? -1/10," I answered, even though she wasn't going to hear.

"Despite what you say..." she skipped happily down the road, "Everyone likes me now. I'll make sure they only know this version of you," her brown eyes flashed, "The image of you in their minds will be forgotten and replaced."

I threw the device to the wall, the image disappeared. My eyes watered with tears. I buried my face in my knees, my knuckles turning white and shaking as I gripped on the skirt too hard. 

I don't want to be forgotten.

I don't want to be replaced.

A Normal Transfer Student [Bleach Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now