When you said [21]

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"What's wrong?!" he repeated, sounding disbelieved. "You did that and you ask me what's wrong?!" he continued, "You didn't tell me you have powers?!"

I placed my hands up, laughing lightly, "The thing's new. I discovered it this afternoon," I muttered, "I guess I can manipulate time and get a vision of how the event of what caused it," I shrugged, "No big deal."

"No big deal?!" he was practically screaming, "You can manipulate time and you think it's not a big deal?"

"I mean, Orihime can reject an event," I muttered, "Compared to her, mine is just child's play." I looked away from him, "Though I can't seem to use it on myself."

"Huh?" he replied, "Why not?"

"How the hell would I know, Abarai-Kun?" I turned back to him, "I can't seem to get rid of this!" I pointed to my bandage, "I've been trying since lunch."

"Maybe your ability is limited to objects?"

"No, I healed Ishida-Kun's hands earlier," I muttered, "That's how I discovered it."

He crossed his arms, "You can't use it on yourself?" he asked. He started removing his uniform.

"Abarai-Kun, what are you--?" I looked at his shoulder. A cut. It looked recent, and it was still bleeding.

"I got this a few minutes ago," he scratched the back of his head, "I was on the way back and got attacked by a Hollow."

I sighed, putting my hands above the wound. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked, my eyes focused on the injury, "Even if I don't have this ability, I still have a first-aid kit," the damage glowed gently in magenta as it began closing. "There," I put my hands away, bring them to the sink and washed them.

He moved his shoulder, looking at it, "It's like it didn't happen," he muttered. He turned to me, "Your powers are similar to Orihime's," he put on his uniform.

I froze. Hollow crept behind Renji as he walked down the street, mumbling to himself. The hollow was small, but it moved fast. Its steps were silent, as Renji didn't notice it. The thing jumped and blood sprayed on the white walls.

"Ned?" his voice snapped me out of it. I looked at the sink, seeing the water flowing into my hand. Though, my hand was pruning up.

I closed the tap, "Sorry. I just..." I turned, leaning my hip on the sink, "I just get a vision of how you got that wound," I shook my head, putting a hand on the side of my head, "Though, it felt like I was there."

I shook my head, "I'm sorry. I'm a little worn out from today," I informed. I felt tired all of a sudden. My head started to pound. I turned around, "I'm calling it a night," I took a few steps. I leaned against the wall, placing a hand on my head.

"You alright?" Abarai-Kun asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm--," I landed on the cold floor, "Aduh."

I laughed weakly, pushing myself back up. Only to fall back onto the floor. "Ned?" Renji shook me gently. My eyes fluttered closed, "I'm fine..." I mumbled.


I slammed my door open, "Food!" I exclaimed, running to the kitchen. I rummaged through the fridge, "I'm hungrier than usual," I furrowed my eyebrows, taking out a few leftovers. "That's normal," I jumped out of my skin, turning around. Renji came out from the hallway, "You used up a lot of Reiatsu yesterday," he gently pushed me aside, taking out a bento from the fridge, "Here," he closed the fridge door, "That should patch you up."

I sat down at the dining table, opening the bento. "Onigiri?" I looked at him, "You made these?" I asked.

He scratched the back of his head, "Someone made them for me, but I wasn't hungry," he paused, "So, you should have it."

I smiled, "Awh, thanks!" I took a bite. My tastebuds burned. But in a good way that my Malay heritage absolutely loved. "This is so good!" I beamed.

Renji's eyes widened, "What do you mean it's good?!" he took one and bit into it. I watched his face turn as crimson as his hair. He scrambled to grab a glass of iced water.

Steam came out of his head as he gulped down a glass, "You like that?!" he whipped his head in my direction, coughing and gulping down more cold water.

I nodded, "It's spicy. I like it!" I exclaimed, taking another bite. Renji looked at me as if I was insane. I shrugged, "I'm used to eating spicy food like this," I muttered, "Especially if it glistens like a ruby."

He shook his head, "Whatever, kid," he sighed, looking at the clock on the wall. He looked over at me, "I think you need to head to school now," he muttered.

"What do you mean? I have lots--," I turned my head to the clock. My eyes widened, "Crap!" I closed the bento and shoved it into my bag as I ran to the front door.

"You take care of yourself," Renji muttered, leaning at the wall, watching me struggle with the keys.

"You too!" I replied as I closed the door behind me.

I rushed down the stairs. Missing a step. Oops. I went tumbling down to the ground, "Ow!" I rubbed my head, "Jeez, I'm all over the place today," I got onto my feet, dusting off dirt from my skirt. I mumbled words under my breath. Using my fingers, I combed my hair down. I adjusted my glasses, picking up my bag from the floor as I walked to school.

My calf started hurting. I looked over at it, "Janganlah macam ni," Don't be like this. I muttered, wiping my hand on it to get rid of the dirt. I placed my hand over the wound, furrowing my eyebrows. "So, you don't wanna work on me?" I muttered, taking my hand away, "Fine. I'll just have to recover the old fashion way."

A Normal Transfer Student [Bleach Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now