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June 18, 2012
Monday 8:09 PM

(Y/N) stared at the door in front of her. She had been contemplating whether or not she should tell Daichi about Kageyama.

"(Y/N)?" Daichi asked, startled (Y/N) let out a jump. Turns out Daichi wasn't even in his room.

"You need something?" Daichi continued, (Y/N)'s serious expression made him feel uneasy.

"Can we talk?" (Y/N) asked, Daichi nodded his head and the two entered his room. Daichi sat down on his chair while (Y/N) plopped onto his bed.

"Whats bothering you?" Daichi questioned.

"Kageyama asked me to tutor him." (Y/N) explained, Daichi froze. He remembered teasing the first year about a girl.

(Y/N) was the girl?

Daichi felt his overprotective nature take over. While, (Y/N) was completely oblivious to the change in her brothers attitude.

"I agreed to it..." (Y/N) continued, her voice getting quieter,"He reminded me of Yuki." she mumbled. Daichi's eyes widened, he hadn't heard that name in a while.

"Oh." Daichi muttered.

"I should've just rejected him, huh?" (Y/N) exclaimed, Daichi's immediate reaction was to agree. But he hesitated, staring at her uneasy expression.

She still hasn't moved on.

"No, tutor him." Daichi exclaimed, (Y/N)'s eyes widened. Daichi didn't like the fact that Kageyama maybe had a crush on her, but he couldn't remember the last time (Y/N) agreed to tutor someone after Yuki had passed

"Yeah." Daichi clarified.

Maybe that way, you'll finally let go.

June 19, 2012
Tuesday 12:27 PM

(Y/N) glanced around the unfamiliar classroom, and let out a sigh.

Why did I agree to this?

Currently, Kageyama was sitting in front of her, attempting to answer a practice question from the textbook. She had offered to go over to his classroom instead, she didn't want her classmates to get any ideas.

"Is this correct?" Kageyama asked, sliding the paper towards (Y/N). (Y/N) picked it up and froze.

2 weeks to fix this, huh?


This might be impossible.

"How did you get this answer?" (Y/N) asked the boy curiously. Kageyama pointed back at the passage.

"It says it here, no?" Kageyama replied, puzzled. (Y/N) quickly scanned the paragraph.

"You need to pay attention to the other words too. They're trying to trick you by putting the key words there." (Y/N) explained. Kageyama let out a frustrated sigh.

"Don't just focus one thing. Read the whole sentence." (Y/N) continued. Then the pointed to the next exercise, Kageyama nodded and began answering the questions. As he did that, (Y/N) had been reviewing his old tests, she was surprised to see that he failed almost all of them.

It must be hard trying to grade these.

Kageyama softly tapped her, making her eyes widened.

"You're done, already?" (Y/N) asked, Kageyama nodded his head. (Y/N) grabbed the paper and her pen. Quickly she found a bunch of mistakes and she marked them off one by one. Handing it back to Kageyama, she watched him turn pale.

"I'm hopeless." Kageyama muttered.

"At this rate, yes." (Y/N) exclaimed, bluntly. Kageyama seemed to deflate like a balloon.

"I'd say, you have a 30% percent chance to pass." (Y/N) continued, at this point she was rubbing salt into the wound. She looked back at Kageyama's defeated expression and guilt took over.

"(Y/N), am I going to fail?"

(Y/N) suddenly remember Yuki, she let out a small sigh. Quickly she fixed up the papers on Kageyama's desk.

"Uh, we can meet outside of school. If that'll help." (Y/N) offered. Kageyama's eyes lit up.

"Really?" Kageyama exclaimed, making (Y/N) nod her head.

"I don't mind." (Y/N) continued, Kageyama quickly repressed the smile that wanted to appear on his face. Meanwhile, (Y/N) pulled out her phone and handed it to the boy.

"Let's trade phone numbers. It'll be easier to contact each other." (Y/N) explained. Kageyama nodded his head and added himself, he quickly handed the phone back.

"Are you busy Saturday?" (Y/N) asked, placing her phone in her pocket.

"I have volleyball practice." Kageyama replied, a frown plastered on his face. Normally, he'd be excited to go to practice. But his passing his finals was his first priority...so he could play more volleyball.

"When does it end? If you don't mind-"

"I don't mind at all." Kageyama blurted out.

"Sorry." He quickly apologized, his cheeks turning red," It'll end at 11 or something." He explained.

"Okay, then we can go to the library at 1." (Y/N) exclaimed, she began picking up her stuff," I'm going to head back now. See you tomorrow." (Y/N) exclaimed, Kageyama nodded and stood up as well, making (Y/N) stare at him puzzled.

"I can walk you back." Kageyama stammered, he didn't know how else to repay the girl. A small laugh escaped (Y/N)'s lips.

"My classroom is just a room away." (Y/N) exclaimed, Kageyama's cheeks flushed red.

"Thank you, though." (Y/N) said, while walking out the classroom. Walking back, she didn't notice the large smile on her face.

What a interesting guy.


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