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July 20, 2012
Friday 8:31 PM

"Woahhh! Look Kageyama!" Hinata exclaimed, pointing upwards. It was filled with bright colors that would seemingly never disappeared. It would be a lie to say that Kageyama wasn't in awe, the flashing colors seem to paint a rainbow in the sky.

It almost distracted him from his previous worries. Mainly about (Y/N), when he heard she was here he wanted to go find her immediately. However, he realized that it was still a bit weird between them after Thursday fiasco. Anyone could feel the awkward tension.

"See you later, (Y/N)." Kageyama whispered.

"Bye, Kageyama."

It was odd, after meeting Oikawa (Y/N) would always say 'bye, Tobio.' or something. So, when he hear his last name instead he was taken a back. The volleyball player was completely clueless and frustrated, he wanted to know why (Y/N) was so unhappy.

And why he was so unhappy too.

"Look at that one! It's all like BAM." Hinata yelled, excitedly, snapping Kageyama out of his thoughts. He watched the fireworks exploded in the sky, trying to distract himself. But it wasn't working, nothing was, all he could think about was (Y/N).

He let out a huff and pulled out his phone. He pointed it up at the sky and took a picture, capturing a bright firework that had just exploded. Pressing (Y/N)'s contact, he sent the image to her, impatiently waiting for a reply. But he never got one.

Who's going to hear their phone with this noise?

"I'll, uh, I'll be back." Kageyama muttered, before taking off. He quickly walked through the crowd, trying to find any sign of the girl. But it was hopeless, he couldn't find her anywhere. He lost count of how many times he apologizes for shoving people.

She's not that small. So why is it so hard to find her?

He took in a sharp breath and crossed his arms. The fireworks were still going on in the background as he ran all over school ground. No one payed any attention to the volleyball setter as he frantically looked around for the (hair colored) girl.

Kageyama never stopped running around, for some reason he was desperate. He wanted to see her so badly, he didn't understand it.

But he didn't want to question it either.

It often confused him, why he cared so much about this girl.

Where is she?

Kageyama sighed, and slowed his pace down. He was beginning to lose hope, looking up at the sky, he relaxed a bit taking in the bright colors. Looking back down, he almost didn't even notice the girl who was standing a couple of meters away from him

He felt a pang of jealously in his heart as his eyes landed on the guy next to him. Kageyama remembered him when he visited her classroom.

That's her classmate. What are they doing together?

Kageyama couldn't help the immediate frown that appeared on his face. He continued to stare at the two as they laughed and pointed up at the sky.

He hated it.

July 20, 2012
Friday 8:46 PM

When Kageyama came back to his teammates, they excitedly came up to greet him. He had been gone for most of the fireworks display. They had been talking to each other after the fireworks had just ended. That's when Kageyama returned with a seemingly irritated expression on his face.

"Hey, Kageyama where did you go?" Tanaka asked, slinging an arm over his shoulder.

"Nowhere." Kageyama muttered, bitterly.

"Did you have fun?" Nishinoya questioned, with a bright smile. Kageyama eyebrow twitched and he clenched his fist in anger.

"Yeah." Kageyama replied thought gritted teeth.

"Well, we're going home now. The fireworks are over." Daichi explained.

"Oh! Let's go to the connivence store!" Nishinoya suggested.

"Daichi's treat?" Tanaka continued, nudging the captain.

"Pay for your own things." Daichi retorted, narrowing his eyes at the second year. Tanaka put his hands up surrendering to the third year, making Sugawara laugh. Kageyama tuned out their conversation, deep in thought, before his phone buzzed.

He sighed staring at the contact, contemplating whether or not he should even answer her. Eventually, he gave in and opened the message.

Tutor (Y/N): sorry, my phone was in my pocket. But, nice pictureeeeee.
Read: 8:50 PM

You: it's fine
Read: 8:50 PM

Tutor (Y/N): did you guys have fun?
Read: 8:51 PM

You: guys?
Read: 8:51 PM

Tutor (Y/N): volleyball team, Nishinoya said everyone was going.
Read: 8:51 PM

You: oh, yeah. They had a lot of fun.
Read: 8:51 PM

Tutor (Y/N): what about you?
Read: 8:51 PM

Kageyama closed his phone after he read that message. It only filled him with anger and frustration, it reminded him of what he had heard earlier.

Kageyama creeped closer to the two, his curiosity was overwhelming. He hid himself among the crowd, and tried to listen on their conversation. He couldn't hear much, but he heard a couple of words here and there.

".....tell you...?" her classmate spoke, (Y/N) slowly nodded her head in response. Kageyama watched as he took in a deep breath.

"...l-like you...."

He couldn't hear the whole sentence, but it was pretty obvious that he just confessed to her. After that Kageyama left and returned to his teammates, not wanting to hear anymore. Kageyama felt angry, jealous and frustrated.

But he finally realized why he cared about (Y/N) so much.

He liked her.


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