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June 11, 2012
Monday 6:20 PM

"Are you and Sugawara-san dating?"

(Y/N) stared at the orange haired boy blankly, trying to process what he had just said while Sugawara let out a disappointed sigh. Kageyama stared at Hinata with wide eyes.

"You dumb ass." Kageyama muttered, smacking the shorter boy.

"No we're not." Sugawara replied.

"Do we look like a couple?" (Y/N) questioned, amused,"Hm?" (Y/N) hummed, she was waiting for a response from the short ginger.

"K-Kinda." Hinata stammered, a smile appeared on (Y/N)'s face. She turned to the grey haired boy.

"You hear that, Koshi? Sounds like you owe me some milk bread." (Y/N) exclaimed, the grey haired boy sighed while Daichi raised his eyebrow.

"Did you make another bet?" Daichi questioned the two. (Y/N) shrugged in response.

"Wouldn't you like to know." (Y/N) replied. Daichi turned to Sugawara who sheepishly smiled.

"It was a small one." Sugawara protested.

"I'm taking you home." Daichi muttered, pulling the girl by her arm. (Y/N) sighed and went along with her older brother.

"Bye, (Y/N)!" Nishinoya exclaimed, waving. (Y/N) waved back, before the two completely disappeared.

June 15, 2012
Friday 12:12 PM

(Y/N) walked back into her classroom, holding a small carton in her hand. She had just returned from the vending machines. Quietly sipping on it she made her way to her desk. She noticed the boy from yesterday was with Yachi. She quickly glanced around trying to find the short ginger.

Where's the tangerine?

"Uh, can you explain this one?" Kageyama asked, he pointed at a word in his notebook.

"Ah, receive. Uh, it's like when you get something." Yachi replied. Kageyama's eyes lit up and he quickly wrote down the definition. (Y/N) looked over at his notebook, noticing he wrote 'recieve'.

"You spelled it wrong." (Y/N) commented, Kageyama's eyes widened and he looked at the word again.

"Switch the 'i' and 'e'." (Y/N) explained, Kageyama quickly erased it and rewrote it.

"Oh, um, thank you." Kageyama stammered, making (Y/N) shrugged. She continued to stare at their classroom door. She let out a huff before glancing at the tall setter.

"Where's your friend?" (Y/N) asked, Kageyama stared at her for a few second, confused.

"The short boy, with the orange hair." (Y/N) continued.

"Oh, Hinata?" Kageyama replied. As if on cue, Hinata walked into their classroom and his face immediately flushed when he spotted (Y/N).

"You're late." Kageyama muttered, making Hinata glare at him. Hinata hurried over and took a seat next to them.

"Thanks for helping me win the bet." (Y/N) exclaimed, a grin on her face. Hinata sheepishly smiled.

"No problem?" He replied, making (Y/N) laugh. The three began studying while (Y/N) stared off into space. Yachi would occasionally glance over at her classmate.

Yachi knew that (Y/N) was way smarter than her. She contemplated whether or not she should ask her to help Hinata and Kageyama because the two needed major help. But, of course, Yachi was way too intimated by (Y/N) and decided to keep her mouth shut.

The two were merely acquaintances.

"Sawamura-san, come help me take these papers to the office." One of her classmates exclaimed. (Y/N) nodded her head and walked over to the girl, she quickly tossed her drink into the bin before grabbing a stack of papers.

"Let's go." (Y/N) muttered, her classmate nodded her head and they began walking to the faculty office, where all the teachers were. The girl kept glancing at (Y/N).

(Y/N) didn't really talk to her classmates that much, like Yachi most of them found her unapproachable. She generally held an expressionless face during class and had an indifferent attitude towards almost everything. Eventually, they arrived at the faculty office and (Y/N) slid the door open with no hesitation. The teachers immediately turned their heads and spotted the two girls holding papers.

"Pardon the intrusion." (Y/N) exclaimed, she made her way to her teacher along with her classmate. The two placed the papers down and began making their way back to the door.

"Oh, wait, Sawamura-san." Their teacher called, (Y/N) paused and turned back around. Meanwhile, her classmate hurried away, not wanting to spend time in a room full of teachers.

"Yes, Takahashi-sensei?" (Y/N) asked. Her teacher smiled and handed her a piece of paper.

"Good job, you got the highest score." he commented, (Y/N) stared at the piece of paper. It was their last test, she had gotten a 97%, quickly she bowed. She had been absent the day he had gave it back.

"Thank you." she replied, her teacher let out a chuckle.

"You can go back now. Keep up the good work." He exclaimed. (Y/N) nodded her head and walked out of the faculty office. Walking down the hall she spotted two familiar faces.

"(Y/N)-chan!" Nishinoya yelled, as per usual, he began running up to her.

"Oi! Nishinoya!" Sugawara exclaimed as Nishinoya tackled the girl. (Y/N) was taken a back by the force and they both fell to the ground. (Y/N)'s test paper flew from her hand.

"Hello to you too." (Y/N) muttered, lightly shoving the shorter boy off of her and Nishinoya gave her a sheepish smile. Sugawara quickly made his way over to the girl helping her up. (Y/N) quickly smoothed out her skirt.

She glanced around for her test paper, but instead of the ground it was in Kageyama's hands. He stared at the paper with wide eyes before making eye contact with (Y/N).

"N-Nice score."


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