Authors Note

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Hello everyone!

Thank you for reading this story! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This plot was a bit more planned out and took me a bit longer to finish. Nonetheless I'm really glad with how it turned out. Thank you guys for voting and leaving comments (I really enjoyed reading them).

And I just wanted to repeat something that I had stated in one of the earlier chapters. Suicide is never the answer, I hope everyone understands that. I've had that type of mindset in the past, where I felt super unmotivated to do anything and tired of life. I had planned to off myself.

But one of my peers had committed suicide. Loosing someone is terrible, especially when you're a kid. It makes you grow up really fast. You see how cruel the world can be. That year, I truly understood what heart ache felt like and what grief was like.

The fact that she's gone is horrible and I'd do anything to bring her back. But I can't, her family, her friends all have to live in a world without her now. It's really painful to lose someone and I can't imagine the amount of pain that her parents, her brother, or her best friends had felt.

I'm telling you this, in hopes that everyone understands that suicide or self harm is not the answer. I was just a classmate to her, yet I was in so much pain when I heard the news. It took everyone years to "recover", I'm not even sure if we all have moved on.

That's all I wanted to say. Sorry, if it got too dark, I just don't want anyone else to go through that much pain and suffering.

On a more positive note, here are some fun facts about the story:
- Contrary to popular belief, Yuki in this story was not based on the one from Given. But that doesn't mean you can't imagine him as Yuki from given. This is a 'x reader' book, you can imagine him however you'd like, I just chose a random name.
- The guy from the flower store was also not Yamaguchi, I actually choose the name from Big Hero 6 (I had watched the movie at that time).
- Purple hyacinths (the one the reader buys) means 'Forgive me'
- When I first started planning this out, (Y/N) and Kageyama weren't suppose to get along in the beginning. But then I scrapped that idea.
- Sugawara drags (Y/N) to help him with math homework in the beginning. She makes a snide comment how her classmates are now going to think they're dating, thus the bet was made.

Thank you guys so much for reading this and for voting.

Sorry again, if this got too dark.

Edit: Thank you guys for the wonderful comments! I'm glad you guys liked the story. :)


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