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June 26, 2012
Tuesday 12:03 PM

(Y/N) stared at her classmates who were chatting excitedly. Their teacher had just announced that after finals the school would be hosting a festival. It'd allow middle schoolers to visit Karasuno and it was like a reward for the students for completing their finals.

(Y/N) occasionally glanced at the door every now and then. Today they had planned a study session with Yachi and Hinata. The two girls had been waiting for the other two to show up. But as they were waiting, their class representative approached the two.

"Oh, uh, do you guys have any ideas?" Haruki nervously asked. Each class had to put together something for the festival. Yachi stared at him surprised. Usually he never really talk to the two of them.

"Uh, maybe a c-cafe?" Yachi suggested, Haruki quickly wrote it down.

"I'm fine with anything. I'm sure you will come up with something great." (Y/N) replied, he stared at her surprised. His friend then shoved him lightly.

"Wow, you just got complimented by (Y/N)-san." His friend, Hano teased. Haruki smacked his friend, while (Y/N) let out a small laugh.

"Oh, are you going to class 1-3 again?" Hano exclaimed, (Y/N) shook her head.

"Not today." (Y/N) replied.

"You've been going there pretty often. Is your boyfriend in that class or something?" Hano asked nonchalantly. This earned another hit from Haruki.

"S-Sorry, he's an idiot." Haruki apologized.

"It's okay, I'm just tutoring my friend." (Y/N) explained. She didn't notice but Haruki was relieved that it was just a friend. (Y/N) never noticed but her class representative had developed a small crush on her.

Suddenly, the two volleyball players barged into the room.

"Ha! I got here first." Hinata exclaimed.

"You had a head start." Kageyama muttered, annoyed. Haruki turned to look at the two, he was surprised to say the least. The two began walking over and Haruki's stomach dropped as his eyes landed on Kageyama. Kageyama had a very intimidating aura.

Is this the f-friend?

"How do you have so much energy?" (Y/N) muttered, they had seemingly ran all the way here from.....God knows where. Hinata gave her a sheepish smile while Kageyama just let out an annoyed huff. He was still mad about losing to Hinata.

"Lets begin!" Yachi exclaimed.

June 26, 2012
Tuesday 12:34 PM

"Let's end it here." (Y/N) exclaimed, putting her pencil down. Kageyama stared at her puzzled, he wanted to keep studying.

"Good job you guys." Yachi complimented.

"But, I didn't-"

"You won't remember anything by overworking yourself." (Y/N) interrupted. Kageyama sighed, but he complied and helped (Y/N) pack up her stuff. She quickly checked the time, they still had about 16 minutes of free time. She glanced at Kageyama.

"Want to get something from the vending machines?" (Y/N) asked.

"Sure." Kageyama replied.

"Do you guys want anything? My treat." (Y/N) offered the blond and the ginger.

"No thank you." Yachi rejected, politely and Hinata shook his head as well.

"You two can just go." Hinata exclaimed, his eyes gleamed with excitement. (Y/N) didn't understand what he was so excited about, but it was slightly creepy.

"If you want I can just go alone-"

"No." Kageyama interrupted the girl," I'll come with." he continued, his cheeks were dusted with red. (Y/N) let out a small laugh.

"Let's go, then." (Y/N) said, grabbing the setter's hand. She dragged the boy out of the classroom and into the hallway, the two made their way to the vending machines. Normally, Kageyama would be fine, he knew the route like the back of his hand.

But (Y/N) was holding that hand. She had never let go and was nonchalantly walking down the hallway. It was an average Tuesday for the girl. Meanwhile, Kageyama was a blushing mess. He didn't want to admit it, but he didn't mind holding hands with the girl.

"Uh, (Y/N)." Kageyama stammered out, (Y/N) glanced up at the boy and was surprised to find his face scarlet red. Her eyes widened.

"Are you okay? You're face is very red." (Y/N) commented.

"Y-Your hand." Kageyama muttered.

"Oh, sorry." (Y/N) exclaimed, letting go of his hand. She had almost forgotten she had been holding it. Suddenly, she held a smug look.

"Are you flustered just from holding hands?" (Y/N) teased the taller boy.

"No, shut up." Kageyama denied.

"I see, must be the weather then." (Y/N) continued, sarcasm lacing her voice. Eventually, the two made it to the vending machines and (Y/N) stared at the wide selection.

"Which one do you want?" (Y/N) asked, without another second Kageyama pointed at the milk. (Y/N) let out a small laugh. She quickly inserted her money and bought both of their drinks. She handed Kageyama his carton of milk and they both sipped on it quietly while walking back to the classrooms.

"Hey, Kageyama." (Y/N) called out.


"We're friends right?"

"What else would we be?"

"Best friends?"

"Shut up."


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