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July 20, 2012
Friday 8:46 PM

(Y/N) sighed as she stared at the text message. She was currently sitting on the steps of the convenience store all by herself.

Ah, he left me on read.

She sighed and opened the camera app, trying to fix herself up. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were stained with tears. After hearing Haruki's confession, (Y/N) was overwhelmed with emotions. Memories of Yuki came rushing back to her.

"I'm sorry, Haruki." (Y/N) apologized, surprised by the sudden confession.

"You don't like me, right?" Haruki mumbled.

"...yeah." (Y/N) whispered, Haruki gave her a sad smile.

"That's okay." Haruki continued.

(Y/N) brought her knees up, hugging them. She buried her face into them and she let out a heavy sigh, remembering the sad look Haruki had.

Was it really okay?

A sudden tap on her shoulder snapped her out of her thoughts. (Y/N) looked up and was surprised to find the convenience store owner holding a drink.

"Here." Ukai muttered, cautiously (Y/N) took the drink out of his hand.

"You're Sawamura's sister, no?" He asked, titling his head a bit.

"Yeah." (Y/N) mumbled.

"Thought I recognized you." He muttered. Silence took over, between the two and (Y/N) quietly took a sip of the drink that she received. The sweet liquid seem to triggered something in her as tears began slipping out of her eyes. Ukai almost choked on his spit.

"E-Eh?" He exclaimed surprised by the tears, (Y/N) furiously wiped her cheeks with her hands. Ukai rushed back into the store to grab some tissues for the girl. Coming back he handed the tissues to her, and (Y/N) gladly took them from his hands.

"....sorry..." (Y/N) mumbled.

"Are you waiting for your brother?" Ukai asked awkwardly.

"He doesn't know I'm here." (Y/N) replied. Ukai's eyes widened a bit but he still nodded his head, silence filled up the empty space. Ukai would occasionally glance over at the girl and she was staring at the ground, wearing a blank look on her face.

What the hell happened?

Ukai crossed his arms and looked at the road that led up to the school. He knew that there was a fireworks display tonight at the school.

"Aren't you suppose to be having fun?" Ukai muttered, this snapped (Y/N) out of her thoughts and it surprised Ukai when she let out a small laugh.

"Yeah." (Y/N) whispered,"I was." she continued.

"Um, look, kid. Whatever it is, you'll get through it." Ukai reassured, trying to make her feel better. (Y/N) sighed and took another sip of the drink she received.

Will I?

"You should call your brother." Ukai advised, (Y/N) didn't move. She just rested her head on her knees.

"Kid?" Ukai exclaimed, glancing down at her figure.


Hearing the voice, (Y/N) looked up and she made eye contact with Daichi. Daichi immediately rushed over to her side and crouched down to her level.

To say he was worried was an understatement.

"Are you-What's wrong?" Daichi asked, frantically. (Y/N) didn't even hesitate to embrace her brother, Daichi was taken aback but hugged her back. Meanwhile, behind them, was the rest of the volleyball team. A few of them also surprised by (Y/N)'s current state.

"(Y/N)-chan?" Nishinoya exclaimed, worried.

"I'm going to taking her home." Daichi explained turning back to the group. Without another word, Daichi and (Y/N) left the store, making their way home.

"I'm going to beat up whoever did that." Nishinoya muttered, Sugawara let out a sigh and began to correct the second years behavior. As this was going on, Kageyama had been just standing there. He felt so much emotions hit him all at once.

He was both confused and angry at the same time.

Who did this?

July 22, 2012
Sunday 10:58 Am

You: I'm almost done with practice. You want me to bring you anything?
Read: 10:58 AM

(Y/N): no it's okay
Read: 10:58 AM

You: okay
Read: 10:59 AM

Daichi sighed and closed his phone, placing it back into his pocket. (Y/N) had explained everything to him the night he found her. The only thing he didn't know was who confessed to her. Noticing the scowl on his face, Sugawara slapped his back.

"Why so angry?" Sugawara asked, Daichi sighed.

"Someone confessed to (Y/N)." He whispered.

"Is that why-"

"Yeah." Daichi muttered, bouncing the volleyball before throwing it up and smacking it down. Sugawara jumped at the sound of the impact.

He's furious.

Daichi hated the fact that he had to see (Y/N) in such a broken state again. Of course, he understood that he couldn't control other people's feelings. But he felt so frustrated, especially with himself.

What kind of brother am I?

Sugawara placed his hand on Daichi's shoulder in an attempt to calm the captain down. Daichi turned to face his friend who gave him a reassuring smile.

"She'll be okay, it's (Y/N) after all." Sugawara exclaimed, Daichi took in a sharp breath and nodded his head. Suddenly a whistle noise filled their ears, signaling the end of practice.

"Okay! Let's clean up!" Sugawara shouted, facing his teammates. Daichi began walking around the gym, scanning the gym for any stray balls. His gaze landed on Kageyama who was bickering with Hinata and his brain quickly filled the gaps as he remembered Friday.

"I'll, uh, I'll be back." Kageyama muttered, before taking off.


"Kageyama, come here."


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