Remember Love

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Chapter 17


They hurt Janet to hurt me. After I was out cold for the second time, much more damage was done.
While I was knocked out, she was taking both mine, and her ass whooping. She held it together until the police finally showed up. She couldn't even look at me as they escorted her in the back of the ambulance. She was beaten badly, all I had was a gash to the back of my head. It didn't need stitches.

I was pacing the waiting room of the hospital as I waited for Janet to come out. She didn't have to stay overnight, they just cleaned up her cuts, wounds.

I was so hurt, I couldn't believe Tyson hurt Janet. I didn't even know he had a brother, that's the crazy part. I was just so confused, and lost. I didn't know what the hell to think except that Janet shouldn't have been involved....period. I can imagine the pain she's feeling right now, because it happened to me plenty of times when I was with Tyson. I kept hitting myself in the head for not leaving when I had planned too. Now my baby was hurt. I couldn't hold back the tears that kept escaping my eyes. I felt so bad.


I turn towards Janet's voice. I see her with bandages, and a stitched cut. I immediately ran towards her, and took her in my arms. I held her tightly, and I kissed the only visible part of her face. Her right cheek.

"I'm so sorry Janet, I'm so sorry this happened to you."

She didn't say anything but I heard her sniff. I pulled away, and I looked into her eyes.

"Can we go?" She asked, her voice muffled.

I nod. "Of course." I grabbed a hold of her hand, and led her outside. We got in my car, and headed home. The whole ride home consisted of thoughts like Janet should consider moving...this house will just remind her of what happened every time its in her view.

When we got home we got out, and headed straight inside. She grabbed a blanket, and laid on the couch in the den. I wasn't going to bother her but I just couldn't take her out of my sight. I wanted to be around her as much as I could so I could just be there for her.

I got on the couch with her, and I laid behind her. I snuggled close to her, and I held her tightly.

"I love you. Things will get better, I promise."

I look over, and I see a tear rolling from her eyes. I reach over and wipe it.

I kiss her cheek, and her temple. Showering her with love so she won't think much about the pain.

But I guess she didn't want that. She lightly pushed me away.

"Please..." She says, her voice cracked since she was crying.

I couldn't do nothing but leave her be, if that's what she wanted. I got up, and I made a soft pallet on the floor next to her on the sofa, and I cuddled under it to fall into a deep slumber.

The next day when I woke up, I looked up and Janet was still asleep. I glanced at my phone, and it was five minutes after seven.

I got up, and took a shower. Then I made a light breakfast meal for Janet, and I.

Turkey bacon, eggs, and cream cheese bagels. I placed our plates on the island, and poured our glass of orange juice.

When I checked in the den to see if she was hungry she wasn't on the couch anymore.

"Jan." I say as I walk down the hall toward the downstairs bathroom.

I hear the sink running, and I knock on the door lightly.

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