Chapter 7

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As soon as the door was closed by Hoseok who enetered last, Yoongi began to wall towards his room and said " I'm going to sleep, don't disturb me if you don't have a death wish." He slammed his room door. Everyone was still standing at the door with mouths open.

"Well, that's Yooniee hyung." Jin laughed and looked at the others.

Namjoon and Hoseok chuckled. "He really is like a grandpa." said Namjoon. "More like a demon." Hoseok said.

"Hey don't. Except his outward appearance he really is nice and warm." Jin said protecting Yoongi.

"Maybe only to you Jin but not to us." Jimin said.

"He will show his true side to you guys soon, I'm sure." Jin said while sitting on the couch in the lounge.

"I really wonder how you fell in love with him, Jin." Taehyung said, sitting too.

"Yeah. You never told us how you met hyung." said Hoseok sitting with Jin. "You did tell us about each one of us except him." Hoseok then layed his head in Jin's lap. Jin began to stroke his hair, causing a smile to appear on Hoseok's face and he closed his eyes.

"Maybe some other day." Jin said, clearly uncomfortable with this topic. Namjoon noticed that, so he said "Come on guys let's retire for the night. Don't complain. Like Jin said before we all have busy schedule." He then shooed away Taehyung and Jimin to their rooms. He tried to send Hoseok away too but he insisted on staying in Jin's lap, loving how Jin stroked his hair. In the end, he agreed to go to his room if Jin put him to sleep by stroking his hair. Of course Jin said yes and went with Hoseok to his room. After putting him to sleep Jin came back to the lounge to find Namjoon still there. He was working on his laptop. His glasses on, eyebrows knitted together and fingers typing fastly. Jin smiled and went to stand behind him. He began to massage his shoulders.

"Ah Jinnie." groaned Namjoon as Jin massaged his tense muscles. He leaned back to look into Jin's eyes.

"Joonie hyung, are you going to work till late?" Jin said as he moved his hands to Namjoon's temples.

"Sadly, yes. Some work has been piling up. I need to finish it today." Jin felt bad for his alpha. He always worked so hard to keep up his family's name. He was so young but had so much responsibility.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Nah. I'm fine. You should go and sleep Jinnie. You must be tired after shifting houses. You even have your studies to look after."

"Tomorrow is sunday, don't worry about my studies. Hyung I want to help you." Jin said, sincerity clear in his voice.

"Jin bu..." Namjoon stopped when he noticed his baby's pout. He sighed. "Well, there is something that you can do."

Jin got excited "Yes! What is it?"

Namjoon put his glasses away and grabbed Jin's neck. Jin was confused but Namjoon pulled him forward, towards his face and onto his lips. Jin was suprised but he kissed back. Namjoon started the kiss slow, only kissing Jin's plump lips and moving slowly against them. Jin enjoyed this very much, how he was so loving and careful. Jin then placed his hands on Namjoon's shoulders and leaned more into the kiss. But Namjoon pushed him away.

"Why?" Jin asked, disappointed.

"Come sit in my lap, kitten." Namjoon said placing his laptop away. Jin happily walked around the couch and sat in his lap. Namjoon slowly caressed Jin's cheek. Jin leaned into his touch. Namjoon's other hand went back on Jin's backside. He pulled him into a hug. Jin was confused and asked "Hyung?"

"Shush baby. Let me feel you." Namjoon huged him more tightly, hands running up and down Jin's back. But Jin spoke again "But I wanted to help you."

"You are helping me. When I hug you my exhaustion goes away. Now be quiet. I want to hug you." Jin went quiet. He allowed his hyung to hug him as much as he wanted. If it helped him then everything was ok for Jin. After about ten minutes, Namjoon was going to tell Jin to go back to his room but he was already asleep on his chest. Jin was tired after all. Namjoon gently woke him up with a kiss on his forehead. Jin yawned cutely. Namjoon cooed at his cuteness and said "Kitten be a good boy and go to your room. I still need to finish my work. Thanks for taking my exhaustion away, kitten." Jin nodded sleepily and got up from Namjoon's lap. Jin kissed his cheeks and went to his room.

Jin slowly opened his door and closed it behind him. He didn't notice that Jimin and Taehyung were in his room waiting for him. Actually he had totally forgotten about what he did to his alphas. He had forgotten that he would get punished due to his behavior.

Jin stopped in his tracks. Sleep totally gone from his eyes when he noticed his alphas. "Baby, did you forget what you did today to your daddies?" Jimin said, his voice was dangerously low.

"Such a bad boy. Not accepting your daddies and even running away from them. You need to be punished." Taehyung said huskily.


Next chapter will contain smut. I will try to update everday.

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